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Otaño Gracia, Nahir I.   English Language Notes 58.2 (2020): 35-49.
Includes the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa in conceptualizing the global North Atlantic, and argues that in several places in CT (e.g., GP description of Knight, MLT, Pedro in MkT) Chaucer uses paradigms that are similar to those of "settler…

Wallace, David.   Speculum 95.1 (2020): 1-35.
Discusses pre-World War II state of medieval studies, its pro-Germanic/Nordic focus, and the academy's anti-Mediterraneanism. Argues that this period saw significant changes in the field, including a shift toward more interdisciplinary approaches and…

Tingle, Louise.   Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Investigates the "agency and influence of medieval queens" by comparing the careers of the English queens Philippa of Hainault and Anne of Bohemia and the "almost queen" Joan of Kent. Examines patronage and intercession and explores the extent to…

Thomas, Alfred.   Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2020.
Considers how Bohemian culture in the late fourteenth century influenced English medieval writers including Chaucer, Gower, and the Gawain- poet.Focuses on Anne of Bohemia, who married Richard II, and claims she "may have been in Chaucer’s mind as a…

Thiessen, David.   Open access Ph.D. dissertation (University of Waterloo, 2020). Available at (accessed October 17, 2022).
Compares "contemporary cognitive models of self, that posit an interconnection between body and mind, with Pre-Modern conceptions of an embodied self " as the latter are represented in several late medieval English works including BD, HF, and KnT.

Smith, D. Vance.   Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020.
Explores a tradition of literature about dying that "combines medieval work
on the philosophy of language with contemporary theorizing on death and dying." Analyzes dying and tragedy in KnT, PardT, and BD.

Niebrzydowski, Sue.   Studies in the Age of Chaucer 42 (2020): 325-36.
Explores evidence of medieval women's humor, drawing examples from Margaret Mautby Paston and Margery Kempe, preceded by contemplation of why such humor is understudied. Includes comments on Chaucer's Wife of Bath, Alisoun of MilT, and May of MerT as…

Moseley, C. W. R. D., ed.   New York: Berghahn, 2020.
Reprints ten essays on Chaucer by various authors, each previously edited by Moseley for two issues of the journal Critical Survey: 29, no. 3 (2017) and 30, no. 2 (2018). The volume includes an introductory essay by Moseley and a comprehensive index.

Michael, Nancy Margaret Furey.   Dissertation Abstracts International A81.12(E) (2020): n.p.
Explores "the complex role of maternal power as it relates to male aristocratic identity" in several romances in Middle English, including MLT and ClT.

Maffestone, Elizabeth Christine.   Dissertation Abstracts International A81.12(E) (2020): n.p.
Traces "gendered protocols of violence that have been inherited through literary interpretive practices as they arerepresented in Chaucer's corpus.” Argues that “acts of reading, writing, and translation can function as forms of violence in medieval…

Klinr, Dan.   New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy & Profession 1.1 (2020): 26-37.
Advocates robust participation in academic "shared governance" and general education curricula as a way for medievalists to serve their own professional interests; includes opinions about how Chaucerians are well equipped for such participation.

Johnston, Andrew James.   New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy & Profession 1,1 (2020): 18-25.
Contemplates "Medieval English Studies in Germany" as a model for cultivating a “truly global,” interdisciplinary ideal of medieval studies, describing critical trends, boundaries, and bridges in several subdisciplines, and commenting briefly on the…

Halliday, Stephen.   Cheltenham: History Press, 2020.
Arranged in districts; includes brief references to Chaucer and his works, e.g., Cheapside (CkT), south of the Thames (CT), Aldgate (Chaucer's residence), etc.

Gonzalez, Carolyn.   Anglo Saxonica 18.1 (2020): 1-9.
Outlines the "historical background on outlawry as a legal practice," and uses this background to explore how the depictions of outlaws in WBT and KnT unveil "chivalry's ideological blemishes" by showing how outlawry displaces a character's…

Fulton, Helen.   Francesca Kaminski-Jones and Rhys Kaminski-Jones, eds. Celts, Romans, Britons: Classical and Celtic Influence in the Construction of British Identities (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 51-78.
Compares "English, Welsh, and Irish refabrications of the Trojan legend as national origin myths," focusing on the ambivalences of the legend, describing the “translatio imperii studiique,” and commenting on medieval (including Chaucerian) meanings…

Dinshaw, Carolyn.   New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy & Profession 1.1 (2020): 38–44..
Assesses the need for experimentation in current educational endeavors, considered in light of the provocative “failure” of the “Strawberry Creek College” (officially, the “Collegiate Seminar Program”) of University of California, Berkeley, and the…

Davis, Alex.   Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Explores ho inheritance was imagined between the lifetimes of Chaucer and Shakespeare. Examines medieval writings, including CT and TC, and Renaissance writings, such as Edmund Spenser's "Faerie Queene" and William Shakespeare's "As You Like It,"…

Cooper, Lisa H.   Speculum 95.1 (2020): 36-88.
Examines the fifteenth-century manuscript known as "On Husbondrie," compiled by Duke Humfrey of Gloucester, which contains information on farming, agriculture, and animal husbandry. Argues that the manuscript is not simply a practical guide for…

Gastle, Brian W.   Susannah Mary Chewning, ed. Studies in the Age of Gower: A Festschrift in Honour of R. F. Yeager (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2020], pp. 203-16.
Examines John Gower's consideration of the "appropriate purpose and use of incarceration, including comparison of his Tale of Tereus” in the "Confessio Amantis" with Chaucer's analogous account in LGW. In Gower, imprisonment precedes the rape of…

Kuczynski, Michael P.   Susannah Mary Chewning, ed. Studies in the Age of Gower: A Festschrift in Honour of R. F. Yeager (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2020), pp. 173-88.
Compares Genius of Gower's "Confessio Amantis" with Chaucer’s Parson of CT in order to disclose Gower's "views concerning priests," arguing that both characters are idealized models of "proper pastoral care" and, perhaps, the result of conversations…

Peck, Russell A.   Studies in the Age of Gower: A Festschrift in Honour of R. F. Yeager (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2020.), pp. 59-78.
Examines several stories from Gower's "Confessio Amantis" to investigate the poet's "thoughts about the limitations of patriarchy as an institution." Includes comparison of Gower’s Tale of Constance with Chaucer’s MLT, showing that the latter is more…

Chewning, Susannah Mary, ed.   Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2020.
Fourteen essays by various authors, with an introduction and a "Personal Tribute" by the editor, offering accounts and analyses of Gower’s works, influence, and reception. For three essays pertaining to Chaucer, search for Studies in the Age of Gower…

Anderson, Sarah M.   Arthuriana 30.3 (2020): 8-49.
Contemplates star-gazing, constellation-making, manuscript compilations as constellations, and other forms of pattern-making in various medieval visual and verbal texts, including Bo, Astro, HF, and WBP, describing Chaucer as someone "interested in…

Anderson, Joel.   Speculum 95.3 (2020): 658-88.
Examines the role of the Bishop Guðmundr in mediating the relationship between the papacy and the Icelandic Church in the thirteenth century. Demonstrates how Guðmundr’s actions, and strategy for challenging traditional notions of papal authority,…

Parker, Joanne, and Corinna Wagner, eds.   New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. xx
Includes thirty-nine essays by various authors on a wide range of topics relating to medievalisms in Victorian culture, generally British and American, with attention to the historical development of interest in medieval languages, literature, arts,…
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