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Kaske, R. E.   Modern Language Notes 74 (1959): 481-84.
Identifies biblical and patristic resonances in GP 1.634, suggesting that they help to "deepen an already ugly picture of spiritual as well as physical deformity."

Kellogg, A. L.   Notes and Queries 204 (1959): 190-92.
Disagrees with editorial explanations of FrT 3.1314, arguing that the subject of the sentence, a "composite sinner," is the recipient of "pecunyal peyne." Offers supporting evidence from several contemporary sources.

Kennedy, E. S.   Speculum 34 (1959): 629-30.
Compares a horoscope and its accompanying Latin text found in Equat with two analogous versions, showing that it has closest relations with the Nürnberg version printed in 1659.

Koch, Robert A.   Speculum 34 (1959): 547-60.
Observes that references to Elijah and Elisha in SumT 3.2116-18 evince "Chaucer's awareness, if not endorsement, of the widely held belief that the 'earliest anchorite' Elijah was the founder of the Carmelite Order," and provides various features of…

Koonce, Benjamin G., Jr.   Mediaeval Studies 21 (1959): 176-84.
Describes the "traditional Christian" symbolism that underlies the fowler/bird and winter/spring imagery in LGWP 125-39, identifying biblical roots, exegetical commentary, and literary examples that precede Chaucer, suggesting that the "alert…

Kornbluth, Alice Fox   Notes and Queries 204 (1959): 243.
Suggests that at TC 4.312 when Troilus refers to his own eyes they "represent zeros" and thereby "Stonden for naught" in two ways.

Lloyd, Michael.   English Miscellany 10 (1959): 11-25
Argues that Arcite is as much a romantic hero of KnT as is Palamon, both as a "Chaucerian idealization of love" and as a representative of humanity's "proper relationship to Fortune." Includes comparison of Arcite with Boccaccio's analogous Arcita in…

Lumiansky, R. M.   Tulane Studies in English 9 (1959): 5-17.
Focuses on the opening section of BD, arguing that it depicts a "Narrator suffering excessive grief resulting from bereavement, who within the poem moves toward a means of consolation based chiefly upon a conception of Nature as Life, and whose…

Manley, Francis.   Modern Language Notes 74 (1959): 385-88.
Traces backgrounds to the coral beads held by the Prioress (GP 1.158-59), both as an amulet against evil and a charm for earthly love, also found in John Donne's "Sonnet. The Token," lines 10-12.

McCall, John P., and George Rudisill, Jr.   Journal of English and Germanic Philology 58 (1959): 276-88.
Argues that Chaucer's personal experience of the 1386 Parliament influenced his depiction of parliamentary activity in TC (4.141ff.), detailing events of the historical parliament, Chaucer's likely feelings about it, and changes and additions Chaucer…

McCracken, Samuel.   Explicator 17 (1959): item 57.
Locates a satiric pun on "doghty" as either "valiant" or "dough-like" in Th 7.724-25.

McCutchan, J. Wilson.   PMLA 74 (1959): 313-17.
Aligns details of GP 1.361-78 with historical evidence to argue that the five tradesmen or "Burgesses" described by Chaucer belonged to a "craft fraternity [rather than a parish fraternity] and that the Drapers' Fraternity (or Brotherhood of St. Mary…

McLaughlin, John C.   Philological Quarterly 38 (1959): 515-16.
Suggests emending LGWP-G by reversing the order of lines 135 and 136 and making "obeysaunce" plural in 135.

Meech, Sanford B.   [Syracuse, N.Y.]: Syracuse University Press, 1959.
A close reading of the structure, themes, and rich characterizations of TC, examined in comparison with its primary source, Boccaccio's "Filostrato," and with sustained attention to ancillary sources and Chaucer's particular emphases, especially the…

Moran, Tatyana.   Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies / Dil: Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 6 (1959): 18–24.
Item not seen.

Mudrick, Marvin.   Philological Quarterly 38 (1959): 21-29.
Critiques attempts to modernize Chaucer's verse for the sake of the "common reader," preferring Augustan "imitations" to twentieth-century renderings in verse or prose, but finding them all to be relatively dull and incapable of replicating Chaucer's…

Mediaeval Studies 21 (1959): 193-201.  
Tabulates and assesses the uses of singular "ye" and "thou" in CT, considering usage norms, rhyme patterns, and scribal variants, and identifying patterns of high incidence of "incorrect" usage in CYPT, KnT, WBP, and Mel, while ParsT is also highly…

Osgerby, J. R.   Use of English 11 (1959): 102-07.
Argues that "gentilesse" is the main concern of SqT, linked to the sub-themes of integrity, mercy, education, truthful rhetoric, youthfulness, and social class.

Owen, Charles A., Jr.   Mediaeval Studies 21 (1959): 202-10.
Corroborates and extends Carleton Brown's effort to show (in 1937) that the MLH was intended to introduce the first story in the CT, exploring evidence and counter-evidence for positing an "original opening sequence" as follows: GP, MLH, Mel, MLE,…

Pittock, Malcolm.   Criticism 1 (1959): 160-68.
Describes several "difficulties" in the close reading of medieval poetry, and then examines complex "interplay between the real and apparent plots" of "Pity," reading the addressee as both a Lady and as an abstract emption, and tracing shifting…

Pratt, Robert A.   Modern Language Notes 74 (1959): 293-94.
Suggests that several details of the Wife of Bath's chiding of her elder husbands (WBP 3.257-62) derive, ultimately, from Isidore of Saville's "Etymologiarum."

Rogers, Franklin R.   Journal of English and Germanic Philology 58 (1959): 49-59.
Analyzes the dialect forms and textual variants of the "Tale of Gamelyn" in four of the twenty-five CT manuscripts that contain it (Ha4 Cp La Pw), arguing that, in "Gamelyn," these manuscripts evince a textual tradition and editorial practice which…

Severs, J. Burke.   Modern Language Notes 74 (1959): 193-98.
Compares Chaucer's version of Hermengyld's miracle in MLT 2.554-74 with analogous passages in Trevet's and Gower's versions of the Constance story, suggesting that one stanza is missing from Chaucer's account, perhaps due to scribal error.

Silverstein, Theodore.   Modern Philology 56 (1959): 270-76.
Reviews J. A. W. Bennett's 1957 book "The Parlement of Foules: An Interpretation," exploring the weaknesses and strengths of his critical methodology and application.

Steadman, John M.   PMLA 74 (1959): 521-25.
Identifies a series of analogues to the book-burning episode in WBP 3.816 in eastern versions of the "Seven Sages" (or "Books of Sindibad"), identifying similarities and differences between them and Chaucer's account, and suggesting that oral…
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