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Zieman, Katherine.   Representations 60 (1997): 70-91.
Explores Chaucer's "literary voice" as a self-conscious reflection of late-fourteenth-century vernacularizing.

Zieman, Katherine Grace.   Dissertation Abstracts International 59 (1998): 818A.
Late-medieval liturgical activities--especially benefactions and the education that lay behind them--resulted from a variety of conditions and motives and produced a volatile environment that influenced the rise of vernacular literacy.

Zhou, Yue.   Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno, and Osamu Imabayashi, eds. The Pleasure of English Language and Literature: A Festschrift for Akiyuki Jimura (Hiroshima: Keisuisha, 2018), pp. 375-90.
Discusses adjectives employed to modify knightly characters in TC, GP, KnT, Th, BD, and Anel.

Zhong, Wen, trans.   Taipei: Yuan jing, 1982.
Chinese translation of CT, reported in WorldCat. Item not seen.

Zholudeva, Liubov.   J. Martin Arista, et al., eds. Convergent Approaches to Medieval English Language and Literature (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2012), pp. 159-75.
Comparative analysis of "Li livres de confort" and Bo, and study of French linguistic influence on English, with special focus on prepositions. The comparison shows a prevailing tendency to reproduce the structures and usages of French, though only…

Zhang, Lian.   Chaucer Review 55, no. 1 (2020): 1-31.
Traces the readership of Chaucer in China, offering analyses of texts and translations available and frequency of Chaucer's verse in university curricula. Ties this readership to various factors, including interest, social context, and history.

Zhang, Lian.   Notes and Queries 265 (2020): 193-95
Focuses on early scholarship and translations of Chaucer in China connected with the "New Culture Movement," which worked to effect "social modernization" by "importing western literary forms and subjects." Emphasizes how Zuoren’s translation of WPT,…

Zhang, Lian.   American Notes and Queries 32, no. 2 (2019): 78–79.
Reports that two Taiwanese "translations" of CT (by fabricated translators) were actually reprints/adaptations of Fang Zhong's translation from mainland China.

Zhang, Lian.   Notes and Queries 265 (2020): 190-92.
Contends that Chaucer made his debut in China in the form of short excerpts of his poetry and "occasional pieces on language and culture" that appeared between 1878 and 1939 in British and American newspapers based in Shanghai.

Zhang, Lian.   Notes and Queries 264 (2019): 202-4.
Describes the first printings of Chaucer's works in China, during the Republican period (1912–1949). All are portions of CT translated into Chinese from modern English adaptations for children, providing for children and adults alike contact with…

Zhang, Lian.   American Notes and Queries 31.1 (2018): 9.
Examines translations of Chaucer's name in light of Chinese traditions, specifically with regard to a family's values and wishes revealed through name choice.

Zhang, John Z.   English Language Notes 28 (1991): 10-17.
Suggests that the prison window in KnT "alludes to certain medieval paintings that reveal the meaning of the scene"; also discusses symbolism and allegory in KnT.

Zhang, John Z.   English Language Notes 26:4 (1989): 1-5.
The inconsistencies of voice (Palamon, the Knight, or Chaucer?) in KnT 1303-27 indicate that the poet is manifesting his own artistry in the poem; writing is not merely an imitation of speaking.

Zhang, Deming.   Journal of Zhejiang University: Humanities and Social Sciences 40.4 (2009): 159-66.
Mandeville's "Travels," Chaucer's CT, and Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" together established the "narrative strategies and structural patterns" of English travel literature, impelling the formation of the "space imagination, subject consciousness,…

Zesmer, David M.   New York: Barnes & Noble, 1961.
Surveys English literature and critical responses to this literature; designed for classroom use. Summarizes historical backgrounds and provides annotated bibliographies, linked with the discussions of individual works, authors, and topics, including…

Zellefrow, W. Ken.   Chaucer Newsletter 1.1 (1979): 12-15.
Traces broad similarities between FrT and the Robin Hood ballads to suggest that Chaucer knew early forms of the ballads and adapted them for comic effect.

Zeitoun, Franck.   Cercles 6: 45-53, 2003.
Zeitoun studies dreams and daydreams in TC, especially daydreaming in Book 1, Criseyde's dream of the eagle, and Troilus's dream of the boar. Violence in the poem has less to do with war than with the internal states of the characters; these states…

Zeitoun, Franck.   Wendy Harding and A. Mathieu, eds. Le futur dans le Moyen Âge anglais (Paris: Publications de l'Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur, 1999), 2: pp. 361-74.
Assesses the excursus on predestination and free will in NPT, arguing that these theological concepts underlie the Tale from beginning to end, especially Chauntecleer's questioning of the nature of his dream.

Zeitoun, Franck.   Leo Carruthers, ed. Reves et propheties au Moyen Age (Paris: Publications de l'Association de Młdiłvistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supłrieur, 1998), pp. 99-112.
The dissonant echoes within and between Chauntecleer's dream narrative and the subsequent disputatio prevent any clear idea of the veracity of the dream's apparently prophetic nature. In the confrontation between the cock and the fox, the dogmatism…

Zeikowitz, Richard Evan.   Dissertation Abstracts International 61: 1394A, 2000.
Male-male intimacy evokes opposing reactions, positive or homophobic. Analyzes male-male bonds from biblical, classical, and medieval literature, including several English and French romances, together with chronicles attacking Edward II's and…

Zeikowitz, Richard E.   Tison Pugh and Marcia Smith Marzec,eds. Men and Masculinities in Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde" (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2008), pp. 148-60.
Zeikowitz articulates the "largely unnarrated 'ocular logic' of the exchanges between Troilus and Pandarus" in Book 1 of TC and "teases out the subtle homoeroticism underlying their interaction." The essay focuses on the cinematic technique of…

Zeikowitz, Richard E.   New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Examines homoerotic acts between knights (kissing, expressions of love, and forming of lifelong bonds) in a variety of late medieval texts: "Amys and Amylion," the "Prose Lancelot," "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," the "Stanzaic Morte Arthur," and…

Zeikowitz, Richard E.   College English 65 : 67-80, 2002.
Characterizations of Grendel, the Green Knight, and Chaucer's Pardoner can be used for a "queer pedagogy" based on the theories of Henry Giroux and Stanley Aronowitz. Zeikowitz suggests discussions and written assignments that encourage analysis of…

Zeikowitz, Richard E.   Dalhousie Review 82.1 : 55-73, 2002.
The Pardoner's "altercation" with the Host "reveals how queer power disarms heteronormativity." In GP and PardPT, the Pardoner does not fit modern categories of "gay" or "bisexual"; his queerness is aligned with several forms of verbal and social…

Zeeman, Nicolette.   Dallas D. Denery II, Kantik Ghosh, and Nicolette Zeeman, eds. Uncertain Knowledge: Scepticism, Relativism, and Doubt in the Middle Ages (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), pp. 213-38.
Examines how writings of Jean de Meun and Chaucer focus on issues of scholastic philosophy and skeptical tradition. Refers specifically to Chaucer's uses of "systematic philosophy" as a narrative tool in WBT, PF, KnT, and TC.
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