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Adams, Percy G.   Journal of English and Germanic Philology 71 (1972): 527-39.
Exemplifies the varieties and density of assonance in Chaucer's poetry, commenting on assonance in French, Italian, and English predecessors, and on Chaucer's uses of assonance in combination with other devices of sound and emphasis.

Adams, Robert, and Thorlac Turville-Petre.   Review of English Studies 65, no. 269 (2014): 219-335.
Within this larger comprehensive study of 'Piers Plowman' in Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS 733B (N), the authors note that Chaucer's scribe, Adam Pinkhurst, may have made scribal corrections to the B-text copy M (London, British…

Adams, Robert.   Studies in the Age of Chaucer 6 (1984): 83-102.
Discussion of the debt as religious. The characters in ShT are "impenitent" because they and the Shipman have been blinded to moral and spiritual truth by their middle-class milieu.

Adams, Robert.   Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 77 (1995): 9-18.
Questions whether PrT is an exercise in dramatic irony in which the Prioress's anti-Semitism is exposed to ridicule. The mother in PrT is called "this newe Rachel," but Rachel was a Jewish mother lamenting the massacre of Jewish babies by a Gentil…

Adams, Roberta E.   Dissertation Abstracts International 44 (1984): 3069A.
Common law, canon law, and contemporary conduct books indicate certain concepts of marriage and the role of the good wife. The Wife of Bath's "good" (arranged) and "bad" (chosen) marriages contrast the ideal with socioeconomic reality. WBT is a…

Adamson, Jane.   Critical Review 14 (1971): 17-37.
Investigates what makes TC "so alive for us today," assessing the poem's psychologically rich depictions of the characters' (including the narrator's) engagements with their own experiences and their detachments from them. Tinged with…

Adamson, Matthew, trans.   Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1988.
Traces the history of the search for appropriate terminology for sexual matters and of concepts of physiology; medicine and the art of love in the troubadours, Andreas Capellanus, and "Roman de la Rose"; freedom; guilt; and disease. Mentions Trotula…

Adamson, Peter.   Medieval Philosophy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), pp. 495-501.
Comments on Chaucer's and Langland's engagements with philosophical debates of their age, especially determinism and voluntarism. Includes discussion of the tensions between KnT and MilT as Chaucer's poetic expression of philosophical concerns.

Adanur, Evrim Doğan, ed.   Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2011.
Includes forty-six papers presented at the fifth international IDEA conference, held at Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey in 2010. For three essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for IDEA: Studies in English under Alternative Title.

Adelman, Janet.   Dewey R. Faulkner, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Pardoner's Tale: A Collection of Critical Essays (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973), pp. 96-106.
Critical appreciation of PardT as "brilliantly constructed, simultaneously a parody of the very truths it purports to be about and a joke in which we are never quite sure of the butt"; pays particular attention to its "ragged structure" and how it…

Adkins, Lieuen, trans.   San Francisco: Bellerophon, 1973.
Parallel-column version of MilPT in Middle English [Skeat edition] and modern rhymed couplets, accompanied by numerous b&w illustrations in comic-book style by Gilbert Shelton.

Adler, Gillian.   Dissertation Abstracts International A77.10 (2016): n.p.
Argues that Boethius's "Consolation of Philosophy" provides Chaucer with a means of understanding time as a unified and simultaneous whole, and that he deploys this understanding in the dream visions, and especially TC.

Adler, Mortimer Jerome.   Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1961.
Includes introductions to seven authors and works of western literature, keyed to texts in translation or modernization available in the "Great Books of the Western World" series. The "Sixth Reading" here (pp. 139-66) pertains to Chaucer and CT,…

Aers, David, and Thomas Pfau.   Christianity and Literature 70.3 (2021): 263-75.
Argues that theological modes of inquiry are needed in interdisciplinary approaches to literature that have tended toward secular and "reductive" methodologies. Notes the difficulty of teaching theological modes of inquiry through Chaucer when few…

Aers, David, ed.   New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
Ten essays by various hands. For six essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Medieval Literature: Criticism, Ideology, and History under Alternative Title.

Aers, David, ed.   Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992.
Six essays by various hands explore and critique the notion of a steady rise of individualism underlying the traditional historical periodiztion of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Human identities in all times are functions of humans interacting in…

Aers, David, ed.   Cambridge : D. S. Brewer, 2000.
Nine essays on medieval English literature, a preface by Derek Brewer, an introduction by Aers, and a bibliography of Pearsall's publications through 1998. For two essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Medieval Literature and Historical Inquiry…

Aers, David.
Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015.
Provides close reading and interpretation of "Piers Plowman," and observes how Chaucer and Langland often share similar political and religious views of medieval society. Refers to SumT, WBPT, GP, KnT, ParsT, RvT, and PF.

Aers, David.   London and New York: Routledge, 1988.
Explores "some versions of community and individual identity" in "Piers Plowman," "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," TC, and the tradition of Margery Kempe. For an essay that pertains to Chaucer, search for Community, Gender, and Individual Identity…

Aers, David.   Chapter 3 in David Aers, Community, Gender, and Individual Identity (London and New York: Routledge, 1988), pp. 117-52.
Examines the social psychology and structure of male power--aggression in gazing, rape imagery and fantasy, objectification of women, competitive assertiveness among males--as aspects of "love" and the social expectations for masculine identity in…

Aers, David.   Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press International, 1986.
From the perspective of new historicism, this brief introduction to Chaucer's writing reconstructs his ideological milieu and explores his representations of society in GP, PF, ShT, KnT, ClT, and Mel; of religion in SumT, FrT, PardP, PardT, SNT, PrT,…

Aers, David.   David Aers, ed. Medieval Literature (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986), pp. 58-73.
Reacting to critical theorists--Bakhtin, Derrida, De Man, Eagleton, Lentricchia, and others--Aers writes an essay as a meditation on "glosynge" in SumT 1788-96.

Aers, David.   Chaucer Review 16 (1981): 1-17.
It has been argued that the poem exhibits multiplicity and disharmony, though the poet shows a commitment to traditional forms of culture. There is no such commitment in PF. The multiplicity of authority and the "continuous self-reflexivity" does…

Aers, David.   London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
Aers explores the conflict between traditional Christian ideology and social and individual realities in "Piers Plowman," and Langland's criticism of abuse of power in all ranks of the clerical hierarchy. Langland calls for reformation within…

Aers, David.   Chaucer Review 13 (1979): 177-200.
Chaucer sets up Criseyde's behavior, from first love to betrayal, as a reflection on woman's perilous social state. In so doing he questions the judgment passed on her by a male-centered society and religion, even though it is represented in his own…
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