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Powell, Susan, and Jeremy J. Smith, eds.   Cambridge : D. S. Brewer, 2000.
Thirteen essays by various authors: seven interpretations of alliterative poems and six textual analyses of Middle English works. Includes a memoir by Derek Pearsall. For two essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for New Perspectives on Middle…

Bianco, Sue.   Helen Cooney, ed. Nation, Court and Culture: New Essays on Fifteenth-Century English Poetry (Dublin and Portland, Ore.: Four Courts Press, 2001), pp. 95-115.
Critical reception of Lydgate has been prejudiced by negative comparisons with Chaucer. Fuller appreciation of Lydgate's poetry depends on recognizing that, while moral and political issues in Chaucer are largely exemplary, Lydgate writes to effect…

Vitto, Cindy L., and Marcia Smith Marzec, eds.   Fairview, N.C.: Pegasus Press, 2004.
Thirteen essays by various authors assess Criseyde in historical context, consider issues of gender and power, and apply postmodern approaches. Several essays revisit earlier scholarship on Criseyde (including the editors' own) and comment on current…

Timmerman, Anke.   Ambix 53 (2006): 161-65.
Trinity College, Dublin, MS 389 (formerly D.2.8) includes three alchemical texts that are Chaucerian apocrypha. Timmerman corrects Gareth W. Dunleavy's 1965 discussion of this manuscript.

Rose, Donald M., ed.   Norman, Okla.: Pilgrim Books, 1981.
Commissioned originally to be read at the Second International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, these thirteen essays demonstrate the validity of recent critical trends in Chaucer. Several essays on historical approaches to Chaucer suggest new…

Robinson, Peter M. W. .   Le Médiéviste et l'ordinateur 38 : 19-28, 1999.
Describes the history, goals, and methods of The Canterbury Tales Project, explaining how the electronic data have been organized and how the data can be accessed. Focuses on WBP.

Caballero-Torralbo, Juan de Dios, and Javier Martın-Parraga, eds.   Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2015.
Collection of essays that provides various approaches to the study and teaching of the Middle Ages. For an essay that pertains to Chaucer, search for New Medievalisms under Alternative Title.

Griffiths, Jeremy.   Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 77 (1995): 25-30.
Notes the existence of a nineteenth-century transcript of the Rylands manuscript made by William James Pynwell, now Schoyn Collection MS 1580, and the implications that the transcript may have for the provenance of the Rylands manuscript.

Bettridge, William Edwin, and Francis Lee Utley,   Texas Studies in Literature and Language13 (1971): 158-208.
Explores the sources of Boccaccio's version of the Griselda story, assessing international oral and literary versions and commenting occasionally on features of ClT. Includes as an appendix summaries of nine Greek and Turkish analogues.

Reisner, M. E.   Chaucer Newsletter 1.2 (1979): 19-20.
Adduces reports that St. Joce's relics were brought to Winchester (Hyde Abbey) in 901. The abbot of Hyde lived next to the real Tabard Inn and Chaucer may have introduced St. Joce into WBP as a bit of local lore.

Jurkowski, Maureen.   EHR 110 (1995): 1180-90.
Prints the inventory of books found in Purvey's residence upon his arrest in 1414, which were assessed at £12-18s-8d, and analyzes what the titles and their value imply.

Miura, Ayumi   Masachiyo Amano, Michiko Ogura, and Masayuki Ohkado, eds. Historical Englishes in Varieties of Texts and Contexts: The Global COE Programme, International Conference 2007 (New York and Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008), pp. 187-200.
Identifies and tabulates "new" impersonal verbs used by Chaucer, Gower, Langland, and the Gawain-poet, describing factors that affected their usage, especially imitation of Old French forms.

DuBruck, Edelgard E., ed.   Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1989.
Twelve essays by various hands.

Marshall, Helen, and Peter Buchanan.   Literature Compass 8 (2011): 164-72.
Explores intersections between the "new formalism" and the close study of the formal features of late-medieval manuscripts, surveying recent scholarship and focusing on analyses of Chaucer's Adam and the scribe Adam Pinkhurst. These analyses…

Seal, Samantha Katz, and Nicole Sidhu.   Chaucer Review 54.3 (2019): 224-29.
Introduces a special issue of Chaucer Review focused on feminism and Chaucer that surveys the state of the field of current feminist approaches to Chaucer, offering a view of scholarship defined by interdisciplinarity and intersectionality. Articles…

Stevens, Martin, and Daniel Woodward.   Chaucer Newsletter 12:1 (1990): 1-3.
A report on plans to publish a facsimile volume of Huntington MS El 26 C9 and an accompanying volume of essays on the Ellesmere, both volumes to be edited by Daniel Woodward, librarian at the Huntington.

Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn, John T. Thompson, and Sarah Baechle, eds.   Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2014.
Collection of interdisciplinary manuscript studies and critical essays presented at the "New Directions in Medieval Manuscript Studies and Reading Practices in Honour of the 80th Birthday of Derek Pearsall" conference on October 21-22, 2011. Includes…

Pearsall, Derek, ed.   York; and Rochester, N.Y. : York Medieval Press, in association with Boydell and Brewer, 2000.
Thirteen essays by various authors that pertain to the use of manuscripts in understanding medieval texts and/or to the use of computers in manuscript analysis and study. For four essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for New Directions in Later…

Robinson, Peter,M. W.   Kathryn Sutherland, ed. Electronic Text: Investigations in Method and Theory. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997), pp. 145-77.
Compares the advent of electronic editions with the revolution in editing effected by Aldus Manutius in c.1495-1515. Surveys the growing utility of digital photography, the difficulties of machine-readable transcriptions, and the potential for…

Watkin, C. J.   Critical Quarterly 28 (1986): 96-104.
Review article.

Fernández Rodríguez, Carmen María.   SELIM 13 (2005): 225-52.
From a feminist perspective, Fernández Rodríguez compares FranT and ClT with Fanny Burney's "The Wanderer" (1814) and Maria Edgeworth's "The Modern Griselda" (1805). Dorigen's and Griselda's domestic constraints contrast the ones depicted by…

López-Pelaez Casellas, Jesús.   Ana María Hornero and María Pilar Navarro, eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of S.E.L.I.M. (Zaragoza: Institucion Fernando el Catolico (CSIC), 2000), pp. 93-100.
Reads KnT as a satiric exposure of the historical contingency of various views of honor and the "chivalric ideal," examining the gap between what the Knight intends to tell and what he does tell.

Wallace, David.   SAC 29 (2007): 3-19.
Comments on twenty-first century adaptations of CT on stage and screen, in rap performance, and in imitative fiction, e.g., Peter Ackroyd's ""Clerkenwell Tales," Baba Brinkman's "Rap Canterbury Tales," RSC and BBC productions, David Dabydeen's "The…

Da Rold, Orietta.   Vincent Gillespie and Anne Hudson, eds. Probable Truth: Editing Medieval Texts from Britain in the Twenty-First Century (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2013), pp. 481-92.
Considers that editing the "multilayered text" of CT requires a combination of different methodologies, including codicology, textual evidence, and computer-based evidence, in order to restructure and represent Chaucer's true authorial intentions.

Yardley, David.   Talisoman, 2012
Thirteen new pieces of music written by David Yardley, set to medieval writings that reflect "all walks of medieval life."
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