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Sparks, Corey.   Exemplaria 31 (2019): 154–70.
Situates the digital humanities (DH) within media history by arguing that DH depends upon collocation of visual, perspectivistic technology and artistic pursuit, as does anamorphosis. Exemplifies anamorphosis by means of Hans Holbein's "The…

Pidd, Michael, Peter Robinson, Estelle Stubbs, and Clare E. Thomson.   Literary and Linguistic Computing 12 (1997): 197-201
Argues that digital imaging of all available reproductions of CT manuscripts is necessary to make a pictorial history of the manuscripts. Reproductions of Hengwrt show changes over time.

Kinney, Clare Regan.   Clare Regan Kinney, Strategies of Poetic Narrative (Cambridge University Press, 1992), pp. 31-68.
Considers TC as a narrative poem in relation to Boccaccio's Filostrato, exploring three narrative "designs" highlighted by the comparison: additive, goal-resistent dilation; patterned, goal-determining organization; and revisionary interpretation in…

Borroff, Marie.   Traditions and Renewals: Chaucer, The Gawain-Poet, and Beyond (New Haven, Conn., and London: Yale University Press, 2003), pp. 3-49.
Wycliffite elements of SumT and of the GP description of the Friar are submerged, but Chaucer sympathized with Wycliffite thought and believed that the Summoner's friar was damned. Borroff surveys anti-fraternal tradition, comments on Fals-Semblant…

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome.   Peter G. Beidler, ed. Masculinities in Chaucer: Approaches to Maleness in the Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde (Cambridge; and Rochester, N.Y.: D. S. Brewer, 1998), pp. 143-55.
One of the dominant themes of fragment 7 of CT is the "gendering of male bodies." The theme plays out through the shrinking masculinity ofThopas and the absence of menacing sexuality in his encounter with Olifaunt. It parallels the diminution of…

Sola Buil, Ricardo (J.)   Zaragoza: Publicationes de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 1981.
Point of view in the structure of CT and the use of direct speech and dialogue are a consequence of Chaucer's interest in showing the contradictions in his environment without the mediating influence of an omniscient narrator. The open structure of…

Pinti, Daniel J.   Translation Review 44-45 (1994): 16-23.
Examines Gavin Douglas's "Eneados" as a work in which Mikhail Bakhtin's notions of diologism and heteroglossia help illuminate medieval translation practice. Encourages application of such an approach to medieval translators, including Chaucer.

Peyton, Henry H.,III.   Interpretations 6 (1974): 1-6.
That Diomed was indeed "of tonge large" is to be evinced from his conversations with Criseyde in Book V. His large tongue becomes a symbol of the eventuality of Criseyde's infidelity and of Troilus' tragic demise, as well as of the inevitability of…

Van Buuren, A. M. J.   Erik Kooper, ed. Medieval Dutch Literature in Its European Context. Cambridge Studies in Medieval LIterature, no. 21. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 151-67.
The Dutch writer Potter (d. 1428) followed a career similar to Chaucer's and also translated the Old French "Melibee." Van Buuren discusses Gower's and Chaucer's uses of Ovid and analyzes Potter's "Der minnen loep" ("The Course of Love") for its use…

Eyler, Joshua R., ed.   Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2010.
Fourteen essays by various authors on topics ranging from Old English and Icelandic sagas to early modern Spanish literature and Shakespeare's "Richard III." The volume includes an introduction by the editor, an index, and a cumulative bibliography.…

Hsy, Jonathan.   David Hillman and Ulrika Maude, eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 24-40.
Explores how disability studies have expanded to include consideration of relations between "embodiment and literary form," focusing on representations of deafness in the fifteenth-century Castilian "Arboleda de los enfermos" (Grove of the Infirm) of…

Salla, Sandra M.   Mediaevalia 21 (1997): 281-93.
In WBT, the first mention of fairies--the Wife's lament for their disappearance--is linked to and introduces the other fairy scenes. The knight's experience demonstrates that even in her first mention of fairies the Wife associates them with…

Gembera, Disa.   Dissertation Abstracts International 55 (1995): 3505A.
Women furnish the "crucial means" for authors to adapt the Theban tradition to their own poetic vision.

Duprey-Henry, Annalese.   Dissertation Abstract International A81.06 (2019): n.p.
Addresses lovesickness in TC, John Gower's "Confessio Amantis," and "The Book of Margery Kempe," considering it "as an embodied and thus imminent process that organizes relationships around culturally defined ideas of either negotiation and mutuality…

Seaman, Myra.   Myra Seaman, Eileen A. Joy, and Nicola Masciandaro, eds. Dark Chaucer: An Assortment (Brooklyn, N. Y.: Punctum Books, 2012), pp. 139-49.
Rejects conventional readings of BD as a demonstration that art can transcend suffering; instead shows how BD "enacts . . . a disconsolate poetics, in which pain and suffering perdure."

León Sendra, Antonio R.   SELIM: Journal of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature 7: 125-51, 1997.
Systemetic functional analysis of TC, exploring how Chaucer seeks to change or improve his community's views on love.

Gellrich, Jesse M.   Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995.
Examines the ways oral tradition continues to influence writing in late-medieval literature, considering works of Ockham and Wyclif, chronicles of the reigns of Edward III and Richard II, "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," and KnT.

Shafik-Ghaly, Salwa William.   Dissertation Abstracts International 49 (1989): 3716A-3717A.
Shakif-Ghaly scrutinizes "Yvain" and TC for medieval "dispositio" through Genettian narratology and for "manifestatio" through Anglo-American theory. Despite differences between the texts, such an analysis brings out tensions of medieval authors and…

Grudin, Michaela Paasche   PMLA 107 (1992): 1157-67.
CT "shows a surprising array" of ways in which Chaucer "ignores, skirts, transcends, or even anticipates structural closure," engaging his readers in the "dialogic processes of discourse itself." Surveys techniques of openendedness in CT, arguing…

Pakkala-Weckstrom, Mari.   Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 105 (2004): 153-75
Pakkala-Weckstrm analyzes the power struggles within male/female couples, examining politeness strategies and providing brief analyses of speech size, topic, control, distribution of flow, and turn-taking. Considers MilT, MerT, ShT, WBT, FranT, Mel,…

Trigg, Stephanie.   Thomas A. Prendergast and Barbara Kline, eds. Rewriting Chaucer: Culture, Authority, and the Idea of the Authentic Text, 1400-1602 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1999), pp. 270-91.
Considers how editors and critics from Caxton to Furnivall assume or pursue identity with Chaucer, imitating what they perceive to be Chaucerian sensibility in an effort to claim understanding of the poet and his works. Adopting the poet's voice and…

Wells, Marion.   In Jamie C. Fumo, ed. Chaucer's "Book of the Duchess": Contexts and Interpretations (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2018), pp. 71-93.
Drawing on affect theory and psychoanalytic methodologies, considers the relationship between the "awake body" and "emotional utterance" in BD, relating this to notions of "translatio." Highlights the centrality of the Ceyx and Alcyone episode to…

Gillmeister, Heiner.   Bonn: Bouvier, 1972.
Traces the meanings and nuances of "discrecioun" (moral and rational judgment) in classical and medieval traditions, examining Chaucer's uses of the word and its thematic implications across his career as a poet. Includes references to most of his…

Nichols, Nicholas Pete.   DAI 32.06 (1971): 3263A.
Identifies a traditional, idealized, Christian view of marriage in CT: GP, KnT, MilT, RvT, WBPT, ClT, MLT, Mel, MerT, FranT, NPT, ManT, and ParsT.

Morrison, Susan Signe.   Dissertation Abstracts International 53 (1992): 3275A-76A.
With few exceptions, medieval German and English texts depict female authority figures as truth-tellers. Female saints reveal the falseness of male antagonists, but queens lose their power to men who lie, act violently, and rule efficiently. CT…
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