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Minnis, A. J.   Roy Eriksen, ed. Contexts of the Pre-Novel Narrative: The European Tradition (Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994), pp. 153-83.
Chaucer's adjustments of his source materials in LGW produce narratives in which "Marriage, whether secured or desired, motivates and ennobles all the deaths for love." Experimenting with creating archetypically false men, Chaucer idealizes female…

Wollstadt, Lynn M.   S. Elizabeth Passmore and Susan Carter, eds. The English "Loathly Lady" Tales: Boundaries, Traditions, Motifs (Kalamazoo, Mich.: Medieval Institute Publications, 2007), pp. 199-212.
Wollstadt explores similarities between WBT and the ballad "The Knight and the Shepherd's Daughter," considering the rape motif, concern with "authority and victimization," the possibility that the ballad was transmitted by female oral singers, and…

Hirsh, John C.   Chaucer Review 10 (1975): 30-45.
PrT is influenced by the Sarum rite mass and the affective piety in late medieval prose meditations.

Terry, Patricia, trans.   Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1983.
Source for NPT translated from old French.

Ashley, Kathleen M.   Julian N. Wasserman and Lois Roney, eds. Sign, Sentence, Discourse: Language in Medieval Thought and Literature (Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1989), pp. 272-93.
From preaching tradition Chaucer borrowed the "topos" of renaming the sins "to make them seem more attractive to sinners," a "topos" that took two major forms: "a narrative "exemplum" about the Devil's unmarriageable daughters," and a "non-narrative…

Howard, Donald.   Robert S. Kinsman, ed. The Darker Vision of the Renaissance: Beyond the Fields of Reason (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974), pp. 47-76.
Proposes that "purposeful" alienation that was characteristic of humanist thinking between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries: contempt for the world that belies an underlying fascination with it. Assesses the presence of the sentiment in several…

Sokolov, D. A.   Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2017.
Argues that the Petrarchism commonly held to have begun in English with Wyatt and Surrey is, instead, an alteration of a tradition already prevalent among English writers such as Chaucer, Gower, Hoccleve, and Lydgate. In particular, claims that…

Sokolov, Danila.   Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press, 2018.
Chapter 2, "Chaucerian Melancholy in Renaissance England," explores how in "Astrophel and Stella" Sir Philip Sidney "reactivates: the melancholic and ambivalent "poetics of selfhood" of BD, as mediated in the "Petrarchan and anti-Petrarchan poetry"…

Spearing, A. C.   English 34 (1985): 1-38.
Two lectures condense Spearing's book (Medieval to Renaissance in English Poetry).

Benson, Robert L,and Giles Constable, eds.,   Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982.
Treats what was new, what traditional, in the period and provides a valuable soruce for the intellectual, spiritual, and aesthetic background

Andreas, James R.   Shakespeare Yearbook 2 : 49-67, 1991.
Traces the "progressive desacralization" of the "Matter of Thebes" from KnT to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Two Noble Kinsmen. The gods have power in KnT, but they diminish comically and then tragically disappear in Shakespeare's…

Bays, Terri Lynne.   Dissertation Abstracts International 61: 3577A, 2001.
The Sarum liturgy provokes powerful emotional response, as evident in PardT and in "Piers Plowman" (Passus 15; Passus 19).

Barlow, Gania.   Viator 49 (2018): 257-80.
Examines authorship and literary authority in the frame narrative of John Lydgate's "Fall of Princes," considering his references to Chaucer as well as to other poets, and arguing that Lydgate did not give a "disproportionate amount of literary…

Strohm, Paul.   Studies in the Age of Chaucer 23: 3-16, 2001.
Strohm calls for renewed sensitivity to historical particularity in the study of literature, especially Chaucer. Such study must acknowledge the limits of modernist empiricist assumptions and maintain deep respect for the past and its mutually…

Eliott Lockhart, Elizabeth Bonnette.   Open access Ph.D. Dissertation. Columbia University, 2014. Available at Accessed November 28, 2021.
Dissertation Abstracts International 75.08 (2014): n.p.
Includes a chapter on PrT and three of its analogues that considers the "greyn" in Chaucer's version.

McCormick, Betsy.   Carolyn P. Collette, ed. The Legend of Good Women: Context and Reception (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2006), pp. 105-31.
McCormick outlines game theory and summarizes the medieval rhetorical tradition in which debate and dream vision were memorial and ethical media. She describes how exempla were used in the "Querelle des Femmes," arguing that LGW engages the…

Fender, Janelle Diane.   Dissertation Abstracts International A67.09 (2007): n.p.
Interdependence of parts and wholes in Chaucer's works anticipates a sustained concern with fragments and remnants in later literature, especially among Reformation bibliophiles who were struggling to "re-member" the past as a form of nascent…

Whitaker, Cord J.  
Argues that Anel "proffers lessons about memory and progress" that can help survivors of modern cancer victims to achieve "intergenerational" memory, an ethical and therapeutic notion that derives from Paul Davies's contested theory that cancer cells…

Parkinson, Judy.   London: Michael O'Mara Books, 2008.
Gift-book of historical information about Britain, arranged chronologically. The entry for Chaucer, entitled "Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, 1387" (p. 63), summarizes his literary career, focuses on CT, and labels him "the greatest English poet…

Barrington, Candace, and Jonathan Hsy.
postmedieval 6.2 (2015): 136-45.
Focuses on the "mirroring structure" of Agbabi's "Unfinished Business," from"Telling Tales" (2015), and Mel. Also reflects on the inherent "problematizing of translation" that accompanies transforming Mel into contemporary poetry.

Spellman, Mary Alice.   DAI A67.04 (2006): n.p.
Spellman compares Rembrandt's "The Monk in the Cornfield" to Chaucerian satires of clergy.

Haydock, Nickolas A.   Dissertation Abstracts International 56 (1995): 1348A.
The works of Chaucer's contemporaries (Clanvowe, Lydgate, Dunbar) and later admirers (e.g., Henryson) show varying responses, especially to HF and PF.

Donaghey, Brian, Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr., Philip Edward Phillips, and Paul E. Szarmach, eds., with assistance from Kenneth C. Hawley.   Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, 2019.
Compiles extensive, authoritative information about each of the English translations of Boethius's "Consolation of Philosophy" from Alfred the Great to H. R. James (1897)--complete translations (including Bo), partial versions, abridgments,…

Oka, Saburo.   Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature 11 (1996): 1-20.
The love triangle of TC (Troilus, Criseyde, and Diomede) is mirrored in a narrative triangle, in turn reflecting a Trinitarian religious outlook. Chaucer's narrative anxiety parallels his anxiety that his religious message may not be fully…

Barr, Helen.   SAC 32 (2010): 39-65.
Both PrP and PrT express "affective devotional piety," while simultaneously they are "swollen with reference to targets of Wycliffite polemic." As a result, their Marian generic affiliations and the "collocational patterns" of their diction can and…
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