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Foster, Michael.   Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Wolfgang Görtschacher, eds. Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' in English Poetry (Heidelberg: Winter, 2009), pp. 51-67.
Argues that Chaucer's use of Ovid's "Metamorphoses" in BD is closer to that of Guillaume de Machaut than that of Jean de Meun, and compares and contrasts Chaucer's version of the Ceyx and Alcyone story with those of Machaut and Ovid.

Leland, John L.   Medieval Prosopography 15 (1994): 115-38.
Those compelled to abjure the court in 1388, while less well known than the companions of Richard II who faced charges of treason, can be studied collectively as typical members of Richard's court. They include an older group, friends of Richard's…

Marshall, Simone Celine.   N&Q 256 (2011): 183-86.
Taking its editor's preface as a cue, an examination of this edition, which has heretofore been labeled a reprint of John Bell's 1782 edition, reveals that it is in fact "a considerable re-evaluation of Chaucer's works."

Strohm, Paul.   Asa Briggs and Daniel Snowman, eds. Fins de Sicle: How Centuries End, 1400-2000. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1996), pp. 7-37.
Explores how late-medieval English people regarded their age: as a time growing old and verging on cataclysm, especially as reflected in social unrest and the deposition of Richard II. Includes a number of references to and quotations from Chaucer…

Luebering, J. E.   New York: Britannica Educational Publishing in association with Rosen Educational Services, 2010.
Includes an introduction (pp. 58-61) to Chaucer and his works.

Pockell, Leslie, ed.   New York: Warner, 2001.
Includes the first eighteen lines of GP in Middle English.

Pockell, Leslie, ed.   New York: Grand Central, 2003.
Includes the first third of MercB in normalized Middle English.

Kang, Ji-Soo.   Medieval English Studies 05 (1997): 145-70.
Explores medieval theories of narrative closure in Matthew of Vendome, Geoffrey of Vinsauf, Brunetto Latini, and John of Garland to argue that if "inconclusiveness" is a thematic goal, the end of a work is the "natural place to accent it." As an…

Williams, George.   Modern Language Review 57 (1962): 173-78.
Argues that several prominent figures in the "Troilus" frontispiece (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 61) represent John of Gaunt; his second wife, Constance of Castile and Laon; his mistress, Katherine Swynford; his first wife, Blanche of…

Fein, Susanna.   Jenny Adams and Nancy Mason Bradbury, eds. Medieval Women and Their Objects (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2017), pp. 15-38.
Argues that the power of WBT, though it is commonly regarded as a lai," comes from an underlying subversion by the use of fabliau, which makes the tale a "hybrid story." The "question of what women most want" has surprising affinities with the…

Vázquez, Nila.   Lewiston, Maine: Mellen, 2009.
Edition of the "Tale of Gamelyn," including a description of manuscripts, diplomatic transcriptions of ten manuscripts, a critical edition with collated variants, and critical apparatus. Also includes a Modern English translation of "Gamelyn" and a…

Rogers, Franklin R.   Journal of English and Germanic Philology 58 (1959): 49-59.
Analyzes the dialect forms and textual variants of the "Tale of Gamelyn" in four of the twenty-five CT manuscripts that contain it (Ha4 Cp La Pw), arguing that, in "Gamelyn," these manuscripts evince a textual tradition and editorial practice which…

Bowers, R. H.   Notes and Queries 202 (1957): 278-79.
Identifies "Boethian sentiments" in an eight-line stanza appended to TC in St. John's, Cambridge, MS L.1, fol. 119v.

Culver, Jennifer.   In The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury Tales., 2017.
Encourages readers to keep track of the money in ShT, assessing the coded actions of gifting, receiving, and reciprocating in the Tale, analyzing the merchant's response to Don John's request for 100 franks (7.281-96), and suggesting that the readers…

Barrington, Candace.   In The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury Tales., 2017.
Approaches SNPT as translations of source materials, assessing Chaucer's assignment of his early life of St. Cecilia to the Second Nun as narrator, the implications of rhyme royal, and the thematic and formal concerns of transformation, idleness, and…

Sutherland, Ronald.   PMLA 74 (1959): 178-83.
Provides textual evidence to confirm that the three portions of the Middle English Rom--A, B, and C--derive from different manuscript groupings of their French source, the "Roman de la Rose," corroborating arguments that the three portions were…

Hult, David F.   Suzanne Conklin Akbari and James Simpson, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Chaucer (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 252-69.
Frames Rom "in a lineage of narrative fiction going back to the twelfth-century predecessors of the two authors [Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun] and attempts to describe their respective innovations." Includes and interprets various texts…

Olson, Paul A.   Studies in Philology 59 (1962): 1-17.
Characterizes Oswald the Reeve as a guiler beguiled and a "judge who unwittingly judges himself by his own principles," examining aspects of GP (Miller and Reeve), MilPY, and RvPT for the ways that Oswald's retributive assault on Robin lacks…

Steiner, Emily.   In The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury Tales., 2017.
Explores the relations between emotion and identity in PrPT, observing that the presence of Jews "amps up its emotional charge," particularly how it "provokes--and coopts--a huge range of emotions in the service of Christian piety." Considers the…

Steadman, John M.   Mediaeval Studies 24 (1962): 388-91.
Assesses parallels between the "greyn" of PrT 7.662 and the three grains of legend that Seth laid upon the tongue of Adam when the latter was buried; suggests that the ambiguities of Chaucer's presentation indicate his artistic purpose.

Murton, Megan.   Chaucer Review 52.3 (2017): 318-40.
Argues that the use of Dante's "Paradiso" 53 in the initial presentation of faith in PrT reflects Chaucer's sophisticated engagement with the ways humans try to articulate transcendent truth.

Dean, Christopher.   Notes and Queries 211 (1966): 90-92.
Assesses the five uses of "place" as a locational noun in the description of the tournament in KnT, arguing that it has a "precise technical meaning," i.e., the "grassy ground of the arena within the lists." This meaning is also found in Middle…

Vantuono, William, ed.   New York and London: Garland, 1984.
Provides "definitive texts and exhaustive variorum commentary" with facing-page translations, introduction, and appendices.

Vantuono, William, ed. and trans.   Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1987.
A new verse translation of "Pearl" with original Middle English text and modern English version on facing pages. Contains a brief preface and longer introduction, which discusses current scholarship and criticism.

Murchison, Krista A.   In The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury Tales., 2017.
Investigates the extent to which ParsT as a manual of confession can be seen to encourage the process of "individualization" theorized by Michel Foucault and to subvert the "immense control that the Church had over medieval lives" and aligning with…
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