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Machan, Tim William, ed.   Heidelberg: Winter, 2008.
A critical text of Bo, collated "with all medieval and late-medieval authorities and also with the modern critical editorial tradition." Includes a list of glosses and an extensive introduction, with a survey of interpretive responses to Bo.

Bennett, J. A. W.   Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1968.
Reads HF as Chaucer's "vindication of poetry," even though he comically proposes to eschew it. Identifies the various echoes of classical and medieval sources in HF, particularly Virgil's "Aeneid," Ovid's "Metamorphoses," Alain de Lille's…

Buermann, Theodore Barry.   Dissertation Abstracts International 28.12 (1968): 5009-10A.
Shows how Biblical narratives underlie the CT, not only allusively but in narrative plots and figural schema, focusing on how materials from Genesis are present in GP (springtime creation), KnT (brotherly conflict similar to Cain and Abel), MilT…

Wimsatt, James Irving.   Dissertation Abstracts International 27.04 (1966): 1041A.
Describes the French influences on BD of, among others, three poems by Machaut, one by Froissart, and Guillaume de Lorris's portion of the "Roman de la Rose," demonstrating the dependence and innovations of Chaucer's work in the tradition of the…

Malone, Kemp.   Arno Esch, ed. Chaucer und Seine Zeit: Symposion für Walter F. Schirmer (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1968), pp. 71-95.
Scans the verse in the first 100 lines of BD, with commentary on emendations and unusual features; then offers a catalog of scansion (with analysis and extensive notes) of the entire poem, concluding that the "basis of Chaucer's metrics" in BD (and…

Fumo, Jamie C., ed.   Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2018.
Includes nine essays, plus a response, by various authors, with an index and an introduction by the editor. Argues for a reassessment of the critical relevance of BD, which has often been marginalized, as a work that is simultaneously "multilingual"…

Rowland, Beryl.   English Language Notes 2.1 (1964): 6-8.
Exploring the "bukke and hare" of Th 7.756 for their "traditional attributes" rather than as suggestive game animals, documents that their associations with timidity and, reading "bukke" as "goat rather than "male deer," sexual pursuit.

McCracken, Samuel.   Explicator 23.7 (1965): item no. 55.
Reads "out of towne" in the GP description of the Miller's bag-piping as a play on "out of tune."

Ichikawa, Sanki,and Tamotsu Matsunami,trans. and eds.   Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1987.
Revised edition of the late Ichikawa's introduction to Chaucer's English (reprinted many times since 1934), with text on the left side and it pronunciation in IPA notation on the facing page with a Modern English prose translation underneath. Notes…

Matsushita, Tomonori, ed.   Tokyo: Matsushita, 1994.
Edition of KnT with modern English translation, pronunciation guide, and glossary.

Cuddington, Richard, trans.   Brighton: Book Guild, 2008.
Verse retelling of selections from CT (all but Mel, SNPT, CYPT, ManPT, and ParsPT) with reduced plots, simplified rhetoric, and modernized English in ballad stanzas. Cuddington adapts the links to unify the selections, which are arranged in the…

Bronfman, Judith.   New York: Garland, 1994.
Studies the origin and development of the Griselda story from the fourteenth through the twentieth century.

Lanham, Richard A.   Literature and Psychology 16 (1966): 157-65.
Challenges psychoanalytic approaches to ClT and rejects the approaches that read the poem either as a Christian parable of authoritarianism or a rejection of authority as a "disease of monarchy." Argues that Chaucer creates the Tale as an expression…

Osselton, N. E.   English Studies 49 (1968): 36-38.
Describes Chaucer's use of "Thise" in PardT 6.661 as a marker of stylistic transition--from the "rhetorical tirade" about sins to the "more intimate and often colloquial" tale of the rioters. The usage anticipates modern English.

Dean, Nancy.   Comparative Literature 19 (1967): 1-27.
Surveys the status of the complaint as a formal genre in classical and in medieval French, Provencal, Italian, and English traditions as background to discussing Chaucer's uses of the genre in BD, TC, Mars, and elsewhere. Focuses on Chaucer's…

Edwards, A. S. G.   Notes and Queries 262 (2017): 220-21.
Encourages editors to adopt the manuscript variant "his" (rather than "hir") at the end of the Cook's fragment (CkT 1.4422), which would indicate that the wife prostituted herself "not to make her own living, but in order to provide money for her…

Bassan, Maurice.   Mediaeval Studies 24 (1962): 127-40.
Surveys "unreliable" information about Constantine Africanus in scholarly discussions of Chaucer's references to him in GP 1.433 (Doctour of Phisik) and MerT 4.1810-11. Then clarifies Constantinus's importance in the history of medicine, what is and…

Biggs, Frederick M.   Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2017.
Addresses connections between Boccaccio's "Decameron" and CT, with particular focus on ShT, MilT, and WBT. Presents a "hermeneutic argument" that explores areas including "alchemy, domestic spaces, economic history, folklore, Irish/English politics,…

Steadman, John M.   Modern Language Notes 76.3 (1961): 196-201.
Explores the mythological tradition which "linked Jupiter with the sands of Libya" as well as "Venus' association with the wilderness of Libya," helping to clarify Chaucer's reference to the "desert of Libye" in HF and his use of Virgil's "Aeneid" as…

Colley, John.   Studies in the Age of Chaucer 43 (2021): 45-73.
Investigates the reference to the "Judeo-Roman historian Josephus" in HF, 1429–36, exploring how his authority varies in the Middle Ages "depending on the extent to which he is understood as a Christian or a Jew," and showing how, in Chaucer's poem,…

Norton-Smith, J.   Medium Aevum 32 (1963): 117-24.
Interprets Form Age as a topical, even occasional, poem, rather than as a translation from Boethius, investigating its manuscript contexts, identifying echoes from Tibellius, Ovid, Jean de Meun, Eustace Deschamps, and Sted, and arguing that the poem…

Reid, T. B. W.   Notes and Queries 209 (1964): 373-74.
Argues that an analogue (perhaps source) of Chaucer's image of a coin-shaped ("farthing") spot of grease in his GP description of the Prioress (1.134) is "Clef d'amors," line 3236. The play in the French may derive from a punning echo of "speck" and…

Kelly, Francis J.   Explicator 24.9 (1966): item 81.
Explicates the phrase "withouten coppe" (FranT 5.492) as meaning "outside of the cup," conveying that Aurelius drank his penance to the fullest extent.

Kellogg, A. L.   Notes and Queries 204 (1959): 190-92.
Disagrees with editorial explanations of FrT 3.1314, arguing that the subject of the sentence, a "composite sinner," is the recipient of "pecunyal peyne." Offers supporting evidence from several contemporary sources.

Eckhardt, Caroline D.   Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
In addition to sections on editions; bibliographies, indexes, and other research tools; general criticism and cultural background; language, metrics, and studies of manuscripts; and the springtime setting, this bibliography of 1,387 entries includes…
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