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Zeikowitz, Richard Evan.   Dissertation Abstracts International 61: 1394A, 2000.
Male-male intimacy evokes opposing reactions, positive or homophobic. Analyzes male-male bonds from biblical, classical, and medieval literature, including several English and French romances, together with chronicles attacking Edward II's and…

Edwards, A. S. G.   Explicator 53 (1995): 66.
By altering the proverb in TC 4.588 from "day" to "nyght," Chaucer ironically foreshadows the beginning of Troilus's period of unrest.

Heffernan, Carol F.   N&Q 256 (2011): 358-60.
The ludic responses depicted in these two lines bear out Barry Windeatt's assertion that Chaucer's "displacement of tragedy by comedy" at the end of TC took its inspiration from Dante's "Commedia."

Andretta, Helen Ruth.   Dissertation Abstracts International 54 (1994): 3429A-30A.
Although recent criticism tends to classify Chaucer as an Ockhamist/nominalist, a close study of his most philosophical poem, TC, indicates that his thought was traditional and scholastic.

Puhvel, Martin.   Explicator 42:4 (1984): 7-9.
The word "hazelwode" in Pandarus's proverbs ridiculing the lovers' fatuous hopes indicates Chaucer's familiarity with the miraculous powers attributed to hazel in Celtic divination and healing rites.

Rudat, Wolfgang E. H.   American Imago 40 (1983): 103-13.
Several passages in TC indicate a covert incestuous strain between Criseyde and Pandarus, the "senex amans" who uses Troilus to fulfill vicariously his own sexual fantasies.

Knighten, Merrell Audy,Jr.   Dissertation Abstracts International 36 (1976): 8076A.
Chaucer's poetry should be regarded as aural rather than oral. Aural poetry is less formulaic and digressive than poetry composed extemporaneously, but it too has special characteristics since it was to be heard and not read. TC reveals Chaucer's…

Heffernan, Carol F.   Neophilologus 74 (1990): 294-309.
Considers the medieval medical views on "amor hereos" and Chaucer's descriptions of it, first in KnT and BD, then in TC. In TC 1, Chaucer shows Troilus as suffering from the lover's disease, to which the consummation of his love in bk. 3 is, from a…

Bestul, Thomas H.   Chaucer Review 14 (1980): 366-78.
Like other late medieval art, TC exhibits a growing concern with the portrayal of emotions, especially through the shifting role of the narrator. He sometimes resorts to "occupatio," claiming inability to describe an emotional state, and eventually…

Dean, James.   Philological Quarterly 64 (1985): 175-84.
Chaucer alters Boccaccio's antifeminism and practical conclusion to "Il Filostrato" to emphasize contempt of the world and poetry.

Oka, Saburo.   Hans Sauer and Renate Bauer, eds. "Beowulf" and Beyond. Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, no. 18. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2007, pp. 223-34.
Oka compares various classical and medieval descriptions of Troilus and then offers "The Book of Troilus" or simply "Troilus" as a more appropriate title for Chaucer's TC. Also traces the personal development of Troilus from a "fierse and proude…

Reichl, Karl.   Piero Boitani, ed. The European Tragedy of Troilus (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989), pp. 133-52.
In TC, philosophical terminology "provides a continual gloss on the text." A philosophical reading of the poem--free will versus determinism, fantasy versus reason--does not, however, detract from the poem's narrative, "an intensely moving story of…

Kim, Hyonjin.   Medieval and Early Modern English Studies 16 (2008): 77-111.
Surveys critical approaches to KnT, particularly New Critical, Feminist, and New Historical, focusing on discussions of order and disorder in the Tale. KnT functions as a "second prologue" to CT and, with GP, asserts and affirms the diversity of…

Sugano, Masahiko.   Eigo Seinen (Tokyo) 137 (1992): 644.
A note suggesting the use of present-tense "went" (wend) rather than preterit "wente" in TC 2.36. (In Japanese)

Duncan, Edgar H.   Modern Philology 66 (1969): 199-211.
Shows that in the Wife of Bath's account of her three "goode" husbands Chaucer "adopted a means of amplification which he found described and illustrated in the 'Documentum de modo et arte dictandi et versificandi' . . . attributed to Geoffrey of…

Folks, Cathalin Buhrmann.   Dissertation Abstracts International 50 (1990): 2062A.
Neither WBT nor "Gawain" presents straightforward satire on late-fourteenth-century English romance. At once ironic and idealistic, the two works provide a human redefinition of the genre as exemplified in contemporary chivalric writing.

Salisbury, Eve.   Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price, eds. Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2002), pp. 73-93.
"Daungerous," the term Alisoun uses to describe Jankyn's love, reflects an ambiguous relation between courtly love and marriage; canon and civil law clarify the nature of physical and psychological violence in WBP and FranT.

Salisbury, Eve.   Jacek Fisiak and Hye-Kyung Kang, eds. Recent Trends in Medieval English Language and Literature in Honour of Young-Bae Park (Seoul, South Korea: Thaehaksa, 2005), vol. 1, pp. 347-75.
Assesses how WBT, FranT, and other Breton lays in Middle English "underwrite and reinforce the laws of the land"--laws that allowed for domestic violence and left ambiguous the relations between rape and marriage.

Klinefelter, Ralph A.   Explicator 24.1 (1965): item no. 5.
Argues that the "allegory of the Four Daughters of God" (also known as "The Reconciliation of the Heavenly Virtues" and "The Parliament of Heaven") influenced several details of ABC.

Pearcy, Roy J.   Notes and Queries 212 (1967): 322-25.
Explains the use of "impossible" as a noun in SumT 3.2231, discussing the term as a label for classroom examples of logical sophistry and commenting on Chaucer's familiarity with such academic practice.

Spehar, Elizabeth Marie, ed.   Dissertation Abstracts International 23.03 (1962): 1010.
Item not seen; Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Fichte, Joerg O.   Tubingen : Narr, 1980.
A pattern of Chaucerian poetics emerges through four themes--courtly love, morality, order, and poetry--found in his early poetry (BD, HF, and KnT). Starting as a poet of courtly love, Chaucer overcame limitations of this theme by analyzing its…

O’Connell, Brendan.   Rachel Stenner, Tamsin Badcoe, and Gareth Griffith, eds. Rereading Chaucer and Spenser: Dan Geffrey with the New Poete (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019), pp. 189-211
Observes that in sixteenth-century editions of CT, ManT follows NPT, and that after c. 1550 the pair is followed by the story of the Pelican and Griffin from the apocryphal "Plowman’s Tale," then the references to fables in ParsP, providing a…

Eckert, Ken.   Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric 33, no. 4 (2015): 377-92.
Reveals similarities in the rhetorical strategies of the loathly lady in WBT and Lady Philosophy in Bo.

Minnis, A. J., ed.   Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1993.
Four essays and two appendices place Bo in the "tradition of the academic study and translation of the 'Consolatio,'" clarifying the relative importance of such predecessors as William of Conches, Jean de Meun, anonymous commentators, and especially…
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