Browse Items (15542 total)

[Kökbugur, Sinan].   Librarius, 1997.
Presents the texts of CT, TC, BD, and PF, with brief introductions, a chronology of Chaucer's life and historical events, and links to supporting information and audio files. The texts are accompanied by hypertext glosses, and the works in verse, by…

Robinson, Peter.   Lou Burnard, Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, and John Unsworth, eds. Electronic Textual Editing (New York: MLA, 2006), pp. 74-91.
Generates five general "propositions" about the nature and practice of electronic editing, explaining how the propositions developed from work of Robinson and others on The Canterbury Tales Project and indicating the applicability of the propositions…

Pearsall, Derek.   Ardis Butterfield, ed. Chaucer and the City (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2006), pp. 95-108.
Argues that a substantial turn away from the topic of idealized love in Chaucer's writing after 1387 demonstrates a shift in his real and imagined audiences. In the second half of his career, Chaucer's audience may have been an almost exclusively…

Sola Buil, Ricardo J.   SELIM 9 (1999): 111-27, 1999.
The liveliness of characterization in GP and elsewhere in CT derives from theatrical rather than narrative tradition. The interplay between typicality and individuality reflects the dual traditions of narration and drama.

Cartlidge, Neil.   Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 102: 135-50, 2001.
Cladistics-the use of large-scale computer analysis of data, including variant readings-promises the possibility of identifying patterns of textual transmission. However, the inevitability of interpretive disagreement in selecting evidence or in…

Inglis, Rob.   Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature (Library of Congress) [LWO 6443, reels 1-2], 1971.
Item not seen.

Popp, Margret.   [Würzburg]: [Teilbibliothek Anglistik], 1977-1986.
Items not seen; reported in WorldCat, which indicates three interrelated items: 1) a cassette recording of GP and MilT (with projected images?), 2) written corrections and commentary (in German) on this recording, and 3) an introduction (in German)…

Medcalf, Stephen.   Deland, Florida: Everett/Edwards, 1973.
Item not seen. WorldCat entry describes this as a lecture which "Discusses the significance and meaning" of CT.

Alexander, Michael, ed.   London; New York; Ringwood, Victoria; Toronto; Auckland: Penguin, 1996.
Reproduces "The Riverside Chaucer" texts of GP, KnT, MilT, RvT, and CkT, with original glosses on left-hand pages facing the text on the right- hand pages. Includes a brief descriptive introduction, a select bibliography, and thirty pages of…

Blamires, Alcuin.   London:
Summarizes and evaluates critical approaches to CT; explores pervasive ideas of the work, notably "entente," and offers "excess and restraint" as keys to interpretation. Treats GP Franklin, WBT, CYT, MerT, KnT, PardP, MilT, and FranT.

Beidler, Peter G., trans. and ed.   New York : Bantam, 2006.
Facing-page translation of selections from CT, based on the 1964 version by A. Kent Hieatt and Constance Hieatt, augmented with expanded selections and apparatus. Selections include GP, KnT, MilPT, RvPT, WBPT, MerPT, FranT, PardPT, ShT, PrPT, and…

Kolve, V. A., and Glending Olson, eds.   New York : W. W. Norton, 1989.
Contains GP, KnT, MilT, RvT, CkP, WBPT, FrP, ClPT, MerP, FranPT, PardPT, PrPT, NPPT.

Courtauld, Sarah, Abigail Wheatley, and Susanna Davidson. Illus. Ian Mcnee   London: Usbourne, 2008.
Retellings (in prose, unless otherwise noted) of GP, KnT, MilT, RvT, MLT, WBT, FrT, MerT, SqT, FranT, PardT, Th (in verse), NPT, CYT, ManT, and Ret. The book shortens and bowdlerizes the works for an adolescent / juvenile audience and "tidies up…

Roche Ruiz de Garibay, Idoia.   Ana Mara Hornero and Mara Pilar Navarro, eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of S.E.L.I.M. (Zaragoza: Institucion Fernando el Catolico (CSIC), 2000), pp. 183-92.
Follows Sperber and Wilson's cognitive theory of communication, assessing three Spanish translations of lines from GP. The translator is both an addressee (of the source text) and an addresser (of his own audience).

Boenig, Robert, and Andrew Taylor, eds.   Buffalo, N.Y.: Broadview Press, 2009.
Selections from Boenig and Taylor's 2008 edition of CT (SAC 32 [2010], no. 16), including GP, KnT, MilPT, RvPT, WBPT, SumPT, ClPT, SqE, FranPT, PardPT, PrPT, NPPT, and Ret. Also contains an introduction (pp. ix-lviii), brief bibliography, and fifteen…

Wilcockson, Colin, ed. and trans.   London: Penguin, 2008.
Prose translations of GP, KnT, MilPT, RvPT, WBPT, ClPT, MerPT (and epilogue), FranPT, PardPT, and NPPT, with Middle English texts from The Riverside Chaucer on facing pages. Includes bottom-of page explanatory notes, a chronology, and an introduction…

Traversi, Derek.   Newark, Del.: University of Delaware Press, 1983.
This critical reading views the beginning and ending as fixed,"twin pillars...within which the unfolding fresco of the action is contained." Traversi explores that action in three parts: KnT and the two fabliaux; the tales of marriage and…

Cawley, A. C., ed., with an Introduction by Derek Pearsall.   New York: Knopf, 1992.
Reprints the 1958 Everyman edition of the complete CT, with bottom-of-page glosses. Includes a new introduction (pp. vii-xxiii) and bibliography by Derek Pearsall. The introduction considers the "unfinished and improvisatory state" of CT, its…

Coghill, Nevill, trans.   Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
Revised reprint of Coghill's modernization of the CT, originally published in 1951.

Caxton, William, ed.   London: Cornmarket, in association with Magdalene College, Cambridge, 1972.
Item not seen; the note in WorldCat quotes the following: "This facsimile edition of Chaucer's Canterbury tales as printed by William Caxton is limited to 500 copies, of which this in number 280 ..."/ "The present facsimile reproduces for the first…

[Daniel, Ted, and Florence Daniel, eds.]   Portland, Ore.: New Wave Publishers, 1993.
Digitalized public domain edition of CT, reproduced on the Internet recurrently and issued by ebrary in 2001 (not seen; cited in WorldCat, with link to title-page preview).

Chwast, Seymour.   New York: Bloomsbury, 2011.
Chwast's humorous graphic novel of Chaucer's twenty-four tales depicts the pilgrims traveling to Canterbury by motorcycles.

Falstein, Mark, trans.   Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Globe Fearon Educational Publishers, 1999.
Selections from CT, adapted and abridged in modern English for a juvenile audience; includes GP, KnT, MLT, NPT, WBPT, FrT, SumT, ClT, FranT, PardPT, CYPT, and Ret, with linking material. Illustrated by Laurie Harden.

Roberts, James L.
Grafton, Ellen, reader.  
New York: Wiley, 2000.
Study guide to CT, with backgrounds to Chaucer and the poem, along with summaries and commentaries on all of the tales, sample character analyses and short essays, and resources for review and further reading. An audiobook version of this text was…

London: Penguin, 1996.
Item not seen; cited in WorldCat which indicates that this is a selection from CT in Middle English. WorldCat also cites a 1998 release of this publication.
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