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Runstedler, Curtis.  
Explores the reception of John Gower as an alchemist in the sixteenth century, including description of Elias Ashmole's notion that Gower was Chaucer's "master" and "mentor" in alchemical science.

Mediaeval Studies 21 (1959): 193-201.  
Tabulates and assesses the uses of singular "ye" and "thou" in CT, considering usage norms, rhyme patterns, and scribal variants, and identifying patterns of high incidence of "incorrect" usage in CYPT, KnT, WBP, and Mel, while ParsT is also highly…

Putter, Ad, and Judith A. Jefferson, eds.  
Eleven essays by various authors and an introduction by the editors focus on the codicology and metrical forms of Middle English romances; the volume includes an index. For three essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Transmission of Medieval…

Clements, Pamela.  
Identifies parallels between CT and Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale," found particularly in the fictional "Historical Notes" that follow the main text of the novel. Notes the echo of Chaucer in Atwood's title and a single reference to Chaucer…

León Sendra, Antonio, and Lucia Garcia Magaldi.  
Item not seen. Publisher's information indicates that the volume includes discussions of two sections of HF, comparison of Chaucer's (LGW) and Shakespeare's accounts of the rape of Lucrece, and suggestions for university teaching of Chaucer and…

Estelle Epinoux and Nathalie Martinière, eds. Rewriting in the 20th-21st Centuries: Aesthetic Choice or Political Act? (Paris: Michel Houdiard, 2015), pp. 105-18.  
Argues that in her experimental novel "Ryder," Djuna Barnes wrote "under the influence of Chaucer by employing a similar style," that her "use of glosses" in Chapter 10 "demonstrates an intertextuality" with CT, and that in Chapter 22 she "rewrites a…

Sommer, George Joseph.  
Assesses the point of view of the "Narrator" of TC, particularly the ironic combination of detachment and involvement established in the openings of the five books and in the epilogue of the poem.

Whitaker, Cord J.  
Argues that Anel "proffers lessons about memory and progress" that can help survivors of modern cancer victims to achieve "intergenerational" memory, an ethical and therapeutic notion that derives from Paul Davies's contested theory that cancer cells…

Melentyeva, Olga A.  
Surveys the tradition of English "old word" and "hard word" dictionary- and glossary-making, locating Chaucerian compilations (e.g., Greaves, Speght, Urry, etc.) at the beginning of the tradition and tracing developments in practice into the…

Cox, Lee Sheridan  
Challenges arguments which assert that the MLE should be followed by ShT in the order of the CT, and argues that, in "light of both external and internal evidence," the Ellesmere order is the best order, with WBPT after MLT, and an emended version of…

Smilie, Ethan.  
Explains that the medieval notion of "curiositas" (illicit pursuit of knowledge) entails concupiscence of the eyes, concupiscence of the flesh, and worldly pride, showing that these vices are a theme that links MilT and RvT, particularly evident in a…

Bruinsma, Klaas, trans.  
Frisian verse translation of PrPT. A WorldCat record indicates that this was first published in De strikel: Moannebled foar Fryslan (1970), an item not seen.

Lázaro Lafuente, Luis Alberto.  
Analysis of Chaucer's tales (and Arthurian stories) as retold for Spanish children during the Francoist period. Focuses on the first translation of Chaucer (and its subsequent editions) by Manuel Vallvé, who translated J. Kelman's 1914 "Stories from…

Kline, A. S., trans.  
Includes links to verse modernizations of CT (Mel and ParsT excerpted in prose) TC, the Dream Poems, and various lyrics, imitating Chaucer's meter and rhyme schemes; translated and uploaded 2007-2008.

Kraft, Damon.  
Item not seen; reported by WorldCat, with abstract: argues that in MerT, Hoccleve's "Regiment of Princes," and Lydgate's "Fall of Princes" merchants are "used to model kingly virtues. By mapping monarchical characteristics onto merchants, these late…

[Schmoop University.]  
Website designed for students, teachers, and school districts, with emphasis on preparation for college study; includes a search engine. Its Learning Guides includes numerous pages that pertain to Chaucer and his works, each with multiple internal…

Hamaguchi, Keiko.  
Chaucer's descriptions of Alison and of Absolon's love of her in MilT parody the courtly diction and conventions found in "Alysoun" of the Harley lyrics. Possibly, Chaucer was influenced by the lyric.

Hill, Thomas Edward.  
Like Perceval and Gawain in Chrétien's work, Troilus, Pandarus, and Criseyde in TC "embody various aspects of perception," vision, and knowledge; "they do so particularly through their portrayal as perceivers or readers" of their respective worlds.

Wittig, Joseph, et al., eds. and comps.  
Originally posted in 1998. The site attempts to organize Chaucer resources on the World Wide Web, providing links to various Chaucer websites, Chaucer's works and bibliographies online, and "MetaMentors" (Chaucer scholars willing to discuss Chaucer…

Stubbs, Estelle.  
Analyzes the "structural sections" of the Hengwrt manuscript (Hg) to describe the complex process of its copying and construction, concentrating on such matters as hands, inks, running titles, quiring, and the abrupt ending of CkT, and suggesting…

Minnis, A. J.,Charlotte C. Morse, and Thorlac Turville-Petre,eds.  
Sixteen essays by various authors on Anglo-French, Latin, and (especially) English literature produced during the reign of Richard II. Includes bibliography of Burrow's publications. For eleven essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Essays on…

Hallisey, Joan F.,and Mary-Anne Vetterling,eds.  
Twenty-three essyas by various authors delivered at the "Northeast Regional Meeting of the Conference on Christianity and Literature" 10-12 October 1996, topics ranging from medieval to modern. For two essays that pertain to Chaucer search for…

Coleman, Joyce.  
Argues that public reading was popular because people enjoyed listening to books in company. Aural audiences included literate upper-middle-class and upper-class readers well into the Renaissance, when aural reading changed. Elite audiences…

Butterfield, Ardis.  
Ph.D. Dissertation. Cambridge University 1988.

Utz, Richard [J.]   Zygmunt Mazur and Richard Utz, eds. Homo Narrans: Texts and Essays in Honor of Jerome Klinkowitz (Krákow: Jagiellonian University Press), 2004, pp. 193-206.
Chaucer's male narrators and characters are obsessed with ideas of linear/finite time, progression, arrival, and teleology. His female characters either silently subscribe to the male obsession or are dominated by cyclical/monumental and transcendent…
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