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Honda, Takahiro.   Koichi Kano, ed. Through the Eyes of Chaucer: Essays in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Society for Chaucer Studies (Kawasaki: Asao Press, 2014), pp. 111-24.
Focuses on contrastive characterizations of the husband figures in MerT and ShT. Considers the common motif of the untruthful wife in relation to the theme of mutability. In Japanese.

Thaisen, Jacob.   N&Q 253 (2008): 265-69.
Oxford, Christ Church College, MS 152 encloses Gamelyn in an inserted quire and supplies the long ending of MerT and Link 17 on substitute bifolia. Considered in relation to corresponding "fault lines" in Hengwrt and Ellesmere, this evidence suggests…

Goddard, Richard.   Stephen H. Rigby, ed., with the assistance of Alastair J. Minnis. Historians on Chaucer: The "General Prologue" to the "Canterbury Tales" (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. 170-86.
Examines how Chaucer's understanding of medieval trade, finance, and commerce is reflected in the Merchant's portrait in GP. Connects historical fluctutions in the English and Italian wool trade to the Merchant's business acumen in MerT.

Ladd, Roger A.   Studes in Philology 99 : 17-32, 2002.
By fitting merchants directly into his larger exploration of the relationship of sentence and solaas, Chaucer uses them to test the limits of the satiric form that dominated previous literary discussions of trade. Portraying merchants as consistently…

Thompson, John J.   Graham Allen, Carrie Griffen, and Mary O'Connell, eds. Readings on Audience and Textual Materiality (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2011), pp. 9–21.
Considers the shifts from orality to literacy and from manuscripts to printed books in late medieval English book culture, examining the range of implications about audiences evident in various versions of the lyric "Erthe upon erthe." Opens with…

Heffernan, Carol Falvo.   Pittsburgh, Penn.: Duquesne University Press, 1995.
Summarizes medieval and Renaissance attitudes toward melancholy as a medical disorder and examines literary uses of melancholy in BD, TC, and Shakespeare's "As You Like It" and "Hamlet."

Moran, Tatyana.   Notes and Queries 208 (1963): 11-12.
Identifies ironic parallels between Troilus's viewings of Criseyde in TC and Cresseid's failure to recognize Troilus in Robert Henryson's "Testament of Cresseid," exploring the latter as a narrative of "punishment and expiation through suffering."

Coletti, Theresa.   Studies in Iconography 3 (1977): 47-56.
The image of the merchant's wife waiting for him at the gate at the end of ShT (7.673-76) may be a reflection of a popular iconographic motif, the meeting of Anne and Joachim,parents of the Virgin Mary, at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem.

Johnson, Quendrith.   Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 9 (1988): 63-69.
Characters within TC, like readers without, attempt to "penetrate" and "control" its various "texts." Using a deconstructive approach, Johnson treats images of containment in Chaucer's narrative.

Johnston, Everett C.   Language Quarterly 4, iii-iv (1966): 7-10.
Comments on English and Continental versions of medieval fox-and-cock narratives, including the claim that the "real value" of NPT "lies in [Chauntecleer's] windy philosophical monologue"; "Russell's subsequent appearance and his making off with…

Ellis, Roger, and Rene Tixier, eds.   [Turnhout, Belgium]: Brepols, 1996.
Twenty-five essays from the Fourth Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages, 26-29 July 1993. The essays address topics of translation in the Middle Ages and translation of medieval authors. For essays that…

Couch, William H.   DAI A72.05 (2011): n.p.
Treats medieval tragedy as a combination of the tragedy of fortune and the potential for tragedy of damnation, surveying antecedent traditions and exploring each of the four poems of the title. Reads TC as a poem that fuses both views of tragedy, and…

Battles, Dominique.   New York and London : Routledge, 2004.
Examines the Chaucerian treatment of Theban matter. Unlike Boccaccio's "Teseida," Anel represents Thebes as a viable urban center even after the siege, while KnT disentangles Theban from Trojan history and re-creates Thebes as a pagan site. Both…

Beal, Rebecca Sue.   Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1988): 2621A.
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticle, all ascribed to Solomon by medieval commentators, shed light on both Dante and Chaucer. The latter drew both on Ecclesiastes and on commentary for TC.

Nicholson, Peter.   Fabula 21 (1980): 200-22.
J. W. Spargo has not proved the existence of an extraliterary tradition among texts written by Chaucer and Boccaccio. The oral circulation of the tale does not support the hypothesis that Chaucer and Boccaccio had a common source.

Carruthers, Leo.   Roger Lejosne, ed. Educations anglo-saxonnes de l'an mil a nos jours, vol. 2 (Amiens: Sterne, 1995), pp. 13-24.

Braswell, Mary Flowers.   London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1983.
From thirteenth-century sermons and confessional manuals we see attitudes toward penance and moral behavior reflected in the works of Langland, Gower, the "Pearl" poet, and Chaucer. Chaucer treats CT sinners with unusual humor and irony. Penitential…

Yeager, R. F., and Toshiyuki Takamiya, eds.   New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Eighteen essays comprise an "'Un'festschrift" that celebrates Terry Jones as a comedian, cinematographer, historian, and Chaucerian. For five contributions that pertain to Chaucer, search for Medieval Python under Alternative Title.

Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn, and Maidie Hilmo, eds.   Victoria, British Columbia : U of Victoria, 2001.
An introduction and four essays suggest some methods and approaches for the recovery of medieval reader response from manuscript evidence. For two essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Medieval Professional Reader at Work under Alternative…

Chaganti, Seeta.   New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2008.
Chaganti explores the "dialectical interaction between inscription and performance" that underlines the "poetics of enshrinement" in medieval visual art, literature, and discourse on representation. Individual chapters address "Saint Erkenwald," the…

Kim, Uirak.   Medieval and Early Modern English Studies 15 (2007): 289-305.
Kim gauges T. S. Eliot's debt to CT in "The Waste Land," examining Eliot's poem as a pilgrimage that modifies a number of Chaucer's techniques and devices: the opening reverdie, multiple voices and tales, use of sources, focus on marriage, and more.

Spearing, A. C.   Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Examines a wide range of medieval romances and first-person personification love-narratives for the ways they compel their audiences to assume voyeuristic perspectives. Romances include scenes of secret watching of private love, and in…

Dronke, Peter.   Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1986.
Seventeen previously published essays study rhetoric, color imagery, genres--fabliaux, lyrics, ballads--Latin poetry, Dante, cosmic lore, Chaucer's TC.

Tisdale, Charles P. R.   DAI 30.11 (1970): 4958A.
Treats pilgrimage as a "unifying device" in CT, exploring the influences of Boethius, Virgil, and Dante and parallels with "Piers Plowman" and Deguilleville's "Pèlerinage de la Vie Humanie." Focuses on the frame of CT, KnT and its theme of exile,…

Ingham, Patricia Clare.   Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.
Focuses on the "preoccupation with newness and novelty in literary, scientific, and religious discourses of the twelfth through sixteenth centuries." Examines the "newfangledness" of the "romance discourse" in SqT and alchemy in CYT.
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