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Rothwell, William.   D. A. Trotter, ed. Multilingualism in Later Medieval Britain (Cambridge; and Rochester, N.Y.: D. S. Brewer, 2000), pp. 213-32.
Studies the "York Memorandum Book" for examples of the ways Latin, French, and English "intertwined" in medieval England. Rothwell opens with commentary on the vocabulary of a passage from MLP in which Chaucer "Englishes" several French words and…

Halverson, John.   Studies in Philology 57 (1960): 606-21.
Reinforces studies of structural and thematic order in KnT, identifying a threefold pattern of ordering principles: a backdrop natural order of cycles, rituals, folk customs; the noble social ordering of chivalry and tournament; and the universal,…

Burnley, J. D.   Durham Theses. Durham University. [].
Examines the semantics of approximately fifty words that signify "benevolence and malevolence within courtly contexts in the works of Chaucer," exploring them diachronically and attending to "extralinguistic" factors in order to pursue a "literary…

Low, Anthony.   Pittsburgh, Penn. : Duquesne University Press, 2003.
Subjectivity and a sense of the importance of the inner self and the individual developed gradually from the early Middle Ages to the seventeenth century. Nothing is altogether new in the stunning early-modernist sense of a vast, inner world of the…

Blake, N. F.   Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 7 (1983): 1-20.
The lack of a clearcut distinction between connotative and denotative associations of words, as well as the looseness of syntactical patterns in Middle English, forces us to focus on the rhetorical arrangement of ideas and words--repetition, balance,…

Heffernan, Thomas J.   Ruth Morse and Barry Windeatt, eds. Chaucer Traditions: Studies in Honour of Derek Brewer (Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 1990), pp.155-67.
Chaucer's canon evolved alongside a substantial body of virtually contemporary apocryphal texts attributed to him. But before the end of the last century, judgment concerning a text's authenticity was often indebted to extratextual biases: the…

Imahayashi, Osamu, Nakao Yoshiyuki, and Michiko Ogura, eds.   New York: Peter Lang, 2010.
Twenty-eight essays by various authors. For six essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Aspects of the History of the English Language and Literature under Alternative Title.

Minnis, A. J.   Margaret Gibson, ed. Boethius: His Life, Thought and Influence (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981), pp. 312-61.
Considers the influence of Boethius's "Consolatione," with its medieval glosses, on Old French and Middle English literature, especially Jean de Meun's "Roman de la Rose" and Chaucer's MkT (Croesus, Nero), Bo, KnT, and TC.

Lock, Richard.   New York and London: Garland, 1985.
Concepts of time in nonliterate, oral traditions differ from those in literate, written traditions. Examines timing and logical linearity in ShT (pp. 234-39).

Fisher, John H.   Medieval Perspectives 4-5 (1989-90): 1-24.
CT exhibits tension between the corporate nature of medieval society and the domestic impulses of an "inner-directed society," in which the emergence of the poet is an important aspect of assertion of the self. In GP, the narrator signals irony. …

Ballesteros-González, Antonio.   In Antonio R. de Toro Santos and Eduardo Barros Grela, eds. Looking Out on the Fields: Reimagining Irish Literature and Culture (Rennes: TIR, 2018), pp. 922.
Presents Chaucer's Wife of Bath and James Joyce's Molly Bloom as counter-cultural figures, from the perspective of their characters, their views of man-woman relationships, and their sexuality. Contrasts the different forms of expression of their…

Moore, Marilyn L. Reppa.   Dissertation Abstracts International 58 (1998): 2644A.
Rejects psychological characterizations of Troilus and Criseyde, arguing that they are better seen in light of rhetorical and devotional traditions. Associates Troilus with the ethos of petition and devotion and Criseyde with the pathos.

Laird, Edgar (S.)   Disputatio 2 (1997): 51-69.
Considers Astr and three other treatises on the astrolabe, exploring what they reflect about medieval notions of time.

North, J. D.   Graziella Federici Vescovini and Francesco Barocelli, eds. Filosofia, scienza e astrologia nel Trecento europeo: Biagio Pelucani Parmense. Percorsi della scienza storia testi problemi, no. 2 (Padua: Poligrafi, 1992), pp. 95-104.
Surveys Chaucer's works for evidence of his knowledge and acceptance of astronomy and astrology. Argues that he uses astrological allegory as a structural device in his poetry.

Gordić Petković, Vladislava.   Sarajevo Notebook 51 (2017): n.p. Available at (accessed January 20, 2020).
A shortened version of an essay from a two-volume work not seen: Ljiljana Banjanin, Persida Lazarević Di Giacomo, Sanja Roić, and Svetlana Šeatović, eds. Il SoleLuna presso gli slavi meridionali, 2 vols. (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2017).…

Kitson, Annabella.   Contemporary Review 269 (1996): 200-07.
Illustrates a variety of ways astrology has been used in literature, drawing examples from Chaucer, Shakespeare, John Webster, and Samuel Beckett. Cites examples from Mars, MilT, and FranT, as well as Hypermnestra in LGW.

Laird, Edgar S.   Chaucer Review 6.3 (1972): 229-31.
The astrological details of "Complaint of Mars" indicate that in the anthropomorphic action of the poem Venus betrays Mars and becomes the mistress of Mercury, "eternally re-enact[ing] the eternal myth."

Hamlin, B. F.   Chaucer Review 9 (1974): 153-65.
Studies the astrological references in WBP and casts her horoscope, interpreting it to show that Chaucer illumines "the entire character of the Wife with a configuration of planets unique in the fourteenth century," a configuration that occurred in…

Sleeth, Charles (R.)   Chaucer Newsletter 1.2 (1979): 20-21.
In GP the Franklin and the Man of Law are presented as companions, but they have antithetical views on astrology: the Man of Law insists on its value, the Franklin condemns it as "supersticious cursednesse."

Hendricks, Thomas J.   Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1987): 1199A-1200A.
The strictly medieval method of casting and interpreting horoscopes shows--in the developing dialectic of free will, Providence, and neccessity--the shortcomings of some CT pilgrims too worldly for ideal pilgrimage.

Huntsman, Jeffrey F.   Notes and Queries, 227 (1982): 237.
Although N. F. Blake (N&Q 224:110-11 and Thomas W. Ross N&Q 226:202) assert that the Miller's use of "astromye" reflects his literacy, it seems likely that the form existed as a plausible variant. The B text of "Piers Plowman" also contains sixteen…

Laird, Edgar S.   English Language Notes 25:3 (1988): 23-26.
The use of the word "proportionals" by the Clerk of Orleans in FranT shows "how very up to date" Chaucer was in astronomy. Corresponding to the Latin "minuta proportionalia," proportionals were a measure for calculating celestial positions in the…

Kennedy, Victor.   ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 2.1-2 (2005): 139-54.
Draws examples and discussion from Astr to argue that modern teachers of literature should "look to history, cross boundaries between academic fields, and use practical, as well as theoretical,teaching methods" (quotation from abstract at …

Lucas, Angela (M.)   Maynooth Review 8 (1983): 5-16.
Deals with Chaucer's technical knowledge, ambivalence toward astrology and magic, and literary uses. Studies ambiguities, confusion, complexities, and conflicting attitudes of the Franklin toward astrology, astronomy, and magic.

Hsy, Jonathan   Suzanne Conklin Akbari and James Simpson, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Chaucer (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 43-62. "This chapter also appears in a modified and expanded form in Jonathan Hsy, Trading Tongues: Merchants, Multilingualism, and Medieval Literature (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2013), 27–57," where the title is "Chaucer's Polyglot Dwellings: Home and the Customs House."
Examines the way connections of polyglot London and England trace how "London's polyglot character informs Chaucer's fictive portrayal of urban living" in HF and ShT. Connects Chaucer’s work at the customs house and his house in Aldgate with HF and…
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