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Allen, Mark.   Chaucer Review 50.3-4 (2015): 224-27.
Discusses the work and life of John Fisher and his important contribution to Chaucer studies.

Allen, Peter L.   Chaucer Review 21 (1987): 419-34.
Reader theory helps us better appreciate LGW: the schema trust/doubt/questioning/self-reliance reveals subtle complexities in the relationships among reader, poet, and moral and literary traditions.

Allen, Peter Lewis.   Dissertation Abstracts International 45 (1985): 2516-7A.
Although classical and medieval rhetorics stress conventional "topoi," love poetry also supposedly emphasizes originality and sincerity. Certain classical and medieval poets including Chaucer ironically play off convention against their own ideas.

Allen, Rosamund S.   Julia Boffey and Janet Cowen, eds. Chaucer and Fifteenth-Century Poetry. King's College London Medieval Studies, no. 5 (London: King's College Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, 1991), pp. 122-42.
Reads Seige as an attempt to provide CT with "a sense of closure and completeness" by supplying the tale of Thebes to balance the plot, style, and themes of KnT. The poem capitalizes on the popularity of CT and acknowledges Chaucer's greatness.

Allen, Ryan.   Dissertation Abstracts International A79.05 (2017): n.p.
Discusses nominalism, realism, and idealism in "Pearl," "Piers Plowman," and HF, arguing that in the latter nominalism leads to realism.

Allen, Valerie, and Ares Axiotis, eds.   New York: St. Martin's, 1996.
Reprints fourteen essays originally published in the 1980s and 1990s, all pertaining to CT and characterized by their contemporary theoretical approaches. In the introduction, the editors survey critical approaches to Chaucer and provide suggestions…

Allen, Valerie, and David Kirkham, eds.   Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000.
School-text edition of the GP description of the Franklin and FranPT, accompanied, on facing pages, by extensive glossing and pedagogical commentary and discussion questions. Includes brief essays on pertinent topics, including gentilesse, astronomy…

Allen, Valerie, and David Kirkham,eds.   Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1998.
Middle English text of WBPT and the GP description of the Wife of Bath, with notes, glossary, and discussion questions on facing pages. Includes commentary on Chaucer's life, contemporary social issues (including pilgrimage), and the rest of CT.…

Allen, Valerie, and Lucinda Rumsey.   Year's Work in English Studies 73 (1995): 150-70.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucerian scholarship and research published in 1992; divided into four categories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly   Year's Work in English Studies 88 (2009): 280-319.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 2007, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 74 (1996): 143-68.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucerian scholarship and research in 1993; divided into four categories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work In English Studies 75 (1997): 167-200.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucerian scholarship and research in 1994; divided into four categories: general CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work In English Studies 76 (1998): 159-207.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 1995, divided into four sub-categories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work In English Studies 77 (1999): 210-49.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 1996, divided into four sub-categories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 78 (2000): 232-61.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 1997, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 80 (2001):183-210.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 1999, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 79 (2001):196-226.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 1998, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 81 (2002): 230-60.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 2000, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 82 : 190-224, 2003.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 2001, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 83 (2004): 194-224.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 2002, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Sstudies 84 (2005): 222-55
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 2003, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 85: 236-63, 2006.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 2004, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 86 (2007): 279-309
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 2005, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Margaret Connolly.   Year's Work in English Studies 87 (2008): 278-313.
A discursive bibliography of Chaucer studies for 2006, divided into four subcategories: general, CT, TC, and other works.

Allen, Valerie, and Ruth Evans, eds.   Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016.
Twelve essays by various authors and an introduction by the editors explore the material and symbolic status of roads in medieval history and literature. The volume includes a bibliography and index. For three essays that pertain to Chaucer, search…
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