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Hermann, John P.   Laura C. Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin, eds. Chaucer's Pilgrims: An Historical Guide to the Pilgrims in the "Canterbury Tales" (Westport, Conn.; and London: Greenwood, 1996), pp. 69-79.
Summarizes the history, ideals, and practice of medieval monks as background to understanding the GP sketch of the Monk and the monk of ShT. The Monk is preoccupied with the diversion of monastic administration, while the Shipman's Daun John is more…

Powrie, Sarah.   Modern Philology 114 (2016): 170-94.
Argues that when read in the light of the moralized garden in Alan of Lille's "Plaint of Nature," the "locus amoenus" of PF is "an ethically charged terrain," in which the narrator successively exemplifies and then deviates from the virtues of…

Matsuo, Masatsugu.   Michio Kawai, ed. Language and Style in English Literature: Essays in Honour of Michio Masui. Tokyo: Kenkyusha Shuppan, 1991, pp. 83-92.
Using Hayashi's Quantification Method Type III (a multivariate analysis), Matsuo describes distinctive features of several linguistic structures and clarifies clusters of similarities and dissimilarities. Cites examples from poetry by Chaucer and…

Dumanoski, Dianne.   Vassar Journal of Undergraduate Studies 19 (1964): 50-56.
Comments on the vocabulary of NPT and on Chaucer's "virtuosity" in exploiting Anglo-Saxon, French, and Latinate variety to create tone and effective characterization.

Dutton, Elisabeth.   Carmina Philosophiae 22 (2013): 1-33.
Reinforces Mark Liddell's argument ("The Academy," March, 1896, n.p.) that "The Boke of Coumfort" (MS Bodley Auct F.33.5) depended upon Chaucer's translation of Boethius in Bo, showing that it adds material from the Latin commentary tradition.…

Dorr, James S.   Fantasy Book 5.2 (1986): 17-18.
An imitation of Chaucer in rhyme royal stanzas and faux Middle English; includes a prologue. Adapts the tale of Ulysses and Circe.

Kelly, Henry Ansgar.   Chaucer Review 31 (1996): 115-32.
Based on medieval religious rules and regulations, particularly those related to orders of nuns, the medieval norm of nuns is revealed in Chaucer's depiction of the Prioress, a depiction that is not negative.

Hogan, Moreland H. Jr.   Chaucer Review 5.3 (1971): 245-46.
Identifies a version of the "Lover's Gift Regained" plot in a modern oral narrative recorded in South Carolina; comments on particular parallels with ShT.

Horobin, S. C. P.   English Studies 79 (1998): 415-24.
Chaucer's spelling habits are still uncertain. Reasons for disagreement among scholars lie in approaches to the problem. Analysis of the spelling "ayein"/"ayeyn" in Hengwrt and Ellesmere and related manuscripts suggests that studies based on the…

Blake, N. F.   Derek Pearsall, ed. New Directions in Later Medieval Manuscript Studies: Essays from the 1998 Harvard Conference (York; and Rochester, N.Y.: York Medieval Press, in association with Boydell and Brewer, 2000), pp. 29-40.
Summarizes the aims and methods of the Canterbury Tales Project, describes recent improvements in the analytic programs affiliated with the Project's data (SplitsTree rather than PAUP), and suggests ways the data may help to clarify manuscript…

Robbins, Rossell Hope.   Trivium 2 (1967): 1-15.
Presents a late-fifteenth-century analogue to Chaucer's account of Ugolino, titling it "The Legend of Ugolino," found in MS. 6 of the Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York. Comments on the relation of the "Legend" to Chaucer's version,…

Doyle, A. I., and George B. Pace.   PMLA 83 (1968): 22-34.
Provides a full description of the Coventry manuscript (City Record Office, Coventry) that includes six of Chaucer's Short Poems (ABC, Buk, Gent, Purse, Sted, Truth), along with works by Hoccleve, Lydgate, Mandeville, and others). Edits the text of…

Brown, Peter, ed.   Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2019.
Revised edition of A Companion to Chaucer (2000) with thirty-six new and revised chapters: Candace Barrington and Jonathan Hsy, "Afterlives"; Andrew Galloway, "Auctorite"; Jane Griffiths, "Biography; Linda Ehrsam Voight, "Bodies"; Alfred Thomas,…

Blake, Norman F., ed   Okayama : University Education Press, 1994.
A comprehensive concordance to CT based on Blake's text from the Hengwrt manuscript. Includes an alphabetical and frequency word list; describes spellings, words, syntax, and metrics.

Weiskott, Eric.   Notes and Queries 265 (2020): 12-13
Discusses previous scholarship on line 1315 of BD, and suggests that emending the line to “Gan [hym] homwarde for to ryde" brings it into conformance with the rest of this "briskly tetrametric poem."

Mosser, Daniel (W.)   Norman Blake and Peter Robinson, eds. The 'Canterbury Tales' Project Occasional Papers, Volume I (Oxford: Office for Humanities Communication Publications, 1993), pp. 75-84.
Proposes a complete descriptive catalog of the manuscripts of CT to be published in electronic form as part of the 'Canterbury Tales' Project, illustrating features of each manuscript through electronic facsimiles.

Horobin, Simon.   Studies in the Age of Chaucer 28 (2006): 205-15.
Horobin describes and transcribes a single-leaf, forty-eight line fragment of Rom (lines 2403-50), newly found among the Reverend Joass portion of the Sutherland collection of the National Library of Scotland. Also considers relationships among this…

Duffell, Martin J.   London: Modern Humanities Research Association and Maney Publishing, 2008.
Uses comparative and linguistic metrics and statistical analysis to describe the history of English meter from early Germanic verse to modern metrical experiments. Chapter 4, "Versifying in Bilingual England" (pp. 73-95), focuses on the metrical…

Brewer, Derek.   London and New York: Longman, 1998.
A "radical revision" (xi) of Brewer's 1984 "Introduction to Chaucer" (SAC 8 [1986], no. 55a); like its predecessor, a general introduction intended for specialists and first-time readers of Chaucer alike. Carried over from the first edition, the…

Karibe, Tsuneronri, Hisaaki Sasagawa, Ryoichi Koyama, and Yoshiharu Tanaka, eds.   Tokyo : Shohakusha, 2000.
An edition based on the Variorum facsimile edition of the Hengwrt manuscript (1979), retaining the original virgule marks. Includes glosses and explanatory notes at the bottom of the page, with Japanese translation, textual notes, and commentary.

Scott, Florence R.   English Language Notes 2.2 (1964): 81-87.
Describes the involvement of Thomas Chaucer and Thomas Swynford in matters related to the deposition and death of Richard II, suggesting that they help to account for the tone and perspective in Purse (especially the Envoy) and Henry's swift and…

Braswell-Means, Laurel.   Chaucer Review 25 (1991): 266-75.
Discusses Chaucer's characterization of the Summoner in GP and asserts that, despite modern assumptions, it is based on the confluence of medical and astrological theories prevalent during Chaucer's time.

Murphy, James J.   James Jerome Murphy. Latin Rhetoric and Education in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Variorum Collected Studies Series; Collected Studies, no. 827. Burlington, Ver.: Ashgate, 2005.
First published in 1964, the essay is reprinted here with original pagination, along with a number of other essays by Murphy. Murphy argues that Chaucer was not likely to have been directly influenced by rhetoricians such as Geoffrey of Vinsauf.

Murphy, James J.   Review of English Studies 15, no. 57 (1964): 1-20.
Surveys the "status of rhetoric in England" during Chaucer's lifetime, documenting the "ubiquity of grammatical texts and the paucity of rhetorical texts." Tabulates Chaucer's uses of the terminology of rhetoric and style, analyzes his usage of these…

Mooney, Linne R.   A. S. G. Edwards, Vincent Gillespie, and Ralph Hanna, eds. The English Medieval Book: Studies in Memory of Jeremy Griffiths (London: British Library, 2000), pp. 113-34.
Adds to the list of thirteen manuscripts attributed to the "Hammond" scribe another manuscript: BL Add. MS 29901. Long known for his Chaucerian affiliation, the scribe is now also affiliated with the officers of Arms, helping to explain his interest…
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