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Lambdin, Laura Cooner, and Robert Thomas Lambdin, eds.   Westport, Conn.; and London : Greenwood, 2002.
Nineteen chapters by various authors, each addressing a literary genre by defining it, discussing representative examples, and surveying appropriate criticism (with selected bibliography). References to Chaucer recur throughout, especially in…

Momma, Haruko, and Michael Matto, eds.   Malden, Mass.; and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
Fifty-nine essays by various authors on topics ranging from the Indo-European roots of English to linguistic theory of the twenty-first century, from "the history of the history of English" to various geographical Englishes, and from English…

Duncan, Thomas G., ed.   Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, N.Y. : D. S. Brewer, 2005.
An introduction and twelve essays by various authors survey critical issues related to Middle English lyrics - courtly, popular, religious, political, etc. Individual essays consider topics such as manuscripts, meter and editing, carols, lyrics in…

Maitland, Karen.   New York: Delacorte, 2008.
Historical fiction set in the time of the Black Death in England involving a tale-telling competition, with similarities to CT and Boccaccio's "Decameron."

Merrill, Darin A.   Dissertation Abstracts International A70.05 (2009): n.p.
Analysis of the two fundamental CT manuscripts indicates "that the organization and theme of the individual tales affected" copy quality; for example, scribes copied moral tales more conscientiously than they copied bawdy ones, and prose tales were…

Shaw, Priscilla D.   Dissertation Abstracts International 42 (1982): 3169A.
Besides Brooke's "Tragicall Historye," TC seems a significant source for Shakespeare's play. Although verbal parallels are scanty, speeches comparable in rhetoric, imagery, and theme appear in greater density than could be mere conventions of…

Khoshbakht, Maryam, Moussa Ahmadian, and Shahrukh Hekmat.   International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 2.1 (2013): 90-97.
Compares CT with Farid al- Din Attar's "The Conference of the Birds," observing similarities in the shared motif of spiritual journey and techniques of narration and characterization. Differences between the religious backgrounds of the two poets,…

Fischer, Olga.   Neophilologus 63 (1979): 622-39.
Comparison of the philosophical items translated by Alfred and Chaucer from the Latin "Boethius" shows that it can in no way be maintained that all the new loan words used after the Norman Conquest were needed to fill linguistic or cultural gaps in…

Weber, Barbara Jean (Drum).   DAI 31.05 (1970): 2363-64A.
Describes the classical and medieval developments of the story of Dido and focuses on versions by Virgil, Ovid, and Chaucer, the latter in both HF and LGW.

Hao, Tianhu.   Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature 4.4 (2020): 20-33.
Analyzes how Chaucer’'s uses of sailing and door/gates imagery in TC resonate with similar imagery in Ovid's "Amores" and "Ars amatoria," reflecting a differing view of history and producing a different tone. In English, with an abstract in English…

Tanaka, Sachiho.   Toyohashi, Japan: Daigaku-Soron-Sha, 1981.
A collation of fifteen manuscripts and two printed editions (Robinson and Brewer), with introduction and select bibliography.

Hamaguchi, Keiko, and others.   Tokashima Bunri University Bulletin 43 (1992): 53-59.
Identifies general comparisons between modern Japanese and medieval European pilgrimages, with reference to CT.

Oizumi, Akio, ed. Programmed by Kunihiro Miki.   Hildescheim, Zurich, and New York: Olms-Weidmann, 1991.
Supplies every form of every word in the Chaucer corpus of The Riverside Chaucer, using KWIC format. Presents the headword in the center of the page and provides about two lines of context for the poetry. Variant spellings are listed separately,…

Lyons, Thomas R., and Michael J. Preston.   Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, 1975.
Item not seen; WorldCat records indicate a second reproduction date of 1979 and that the original was published in Boulder, Colorado, in 1974.

Jimura, Akiyuki, Yoshiyuki Nakao, and Masatsugu Matsuo.   Hiroshima : Hiroshima University Studies, Graduate School of Letters, 2002.
A computer-assisted comparison of the Hengwrt and Ellesmere manuscripts of GP. Clarifies differences and similarities in spellings, lexis, syntax, and metrics in the two manuscripts.

Jimura, Akiyuki, Yoshiyuki Nakao, and Masatsugu Matsuo, eds.   Tanaka, Okayama : University Education Press, 1995.
Computer-generated, line-by-line comparison of two editions of CT, except for the lines lacking in the Hengwrt manuscript and other lines not included in either of the editions. The comparison indicates where the editions vary in syntax or spelling.…

Nakao, Yoshiyuki and Masatsugu Matsuo.   Tomonori Matsushita, A. V. C. Schmidt, and David Wallace, eds. From Beowulf to Caxton: Studies in Medieval Languages and Literature, Texts and Manuscripts (Bern: Lang, 2011), pp. 151-64.
A report on a project creating a comprehensive textual collation between the text of TC in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge MS 61 (Cp) and Barry Windeatt's 1990 edition of TC. Using Cp as a copy text, Windeatt not only attempted to reconstruct…

Jimura, Akiyuki,Yoshiyuki Nakao, and Masatsugu Matsuo.   Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, 2001.
Comparison of three editions of PF.

Jimura, Akiyuki, Yoshiyuki Nakao, and Masatsugu Matsuo.   Okayama : University Education Press, 2002.
A computer-assisted comparison of editions of BD, HF, and PF. Clarifies spellings, lexis, syntax, and metrics, analyzing versions by Benson, Robinson, Root, Brewer, and Havely.

Jimura, Akiyuki,Yoshiyuki Nakao, and Masatsugu Matsuo,eds.   Okayama : University Education Press, 1999.
A computer-assisted comparison of representative modern editions of TC: Benson's, Robinson's, Root's, and Windeatt's. Clarifies differences and similarities among the editions and provides information on Chaucer's lexis, syntax, and style.

Nakao, Yoshiyuki.   Toshio Saito, ed. Studies of English Language and Literature with a Computer (Tokyo: Eichosha, 1992), pp. 177-94.
Describes Chaucer's uses of rare and unique words in Th through comparison with the language of other romances by Chaucer and other writers.

Barber, Charles.   Claudia Blank, and others, eds. Language and Civilization: A Concerted Profusion of Essays and Studies in Honour of Otto Hietsch, 2 vols. (New York: Peter Lang, 1992), vol. 1, pp. 204-17.
According to Barber, "about half the examples of unelided word-final -e in CT were pronounced." A following study will determine in which words final -e was pronounced.

Saunders, Corinne [J.], ed.   Malden, Mass.; Oxford; and Victoria: Blackwell, 2006.
Thirteen essays intended for the new and returning student of Chaucer. Following the editor's introduction (pp. 1-10) describing facets of Chaucer's art and life and the contents of the collection, the work is divided into parts: Chaucer in Context,…

Corrie, Marilyn, ed.   Oxford: Blackwell: 2007; Reissued as a print-on-demand volume, Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
Eleven essays on topics concerning late medieval English literature and its contexts: Signs and Symbols (Barry Windeatt), Religious Belief (Marilyn Corrie), Women and Literature (Catherine Sanok), The Past (Andrew Galloway), Production and…

Tsuchiya, Tadayuki.   Bulletin of the Faculty of General Education, Utsunomiya University (1984): 89-108.
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