Browse Items (15542 total)

Marteau, Robert, trans.   [Seyssel (Ain)]: Champ Vallon, 2008.
Facing-page translation of PF into modern French poetry. Includes as an appendix Marteau's poetic tribute to Chaucer, "Hommage au Noble Geffroy Chaucier, Grant Translateur."

Bragg, Melvyn.   [Silver Spring, Md.]: Athena, 2009.
An abridged and adapted version of Bragg's book-length study "The Adventure of English, 500AD to 2000: The Biography of a Language" (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2003; New York: Arcade, 2004), augmented for audio-visual recording with music, maps,…

Rodríquez Álvarez, Alicia, and Francisco Alanso Almeida, eds.   [Spain]: Netbiblo, 2004.
Eighteen essays by various authors on language, literature, and scientific manuscripts in Old and Middle English. For two essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Voices on the Past under Alternative Title.

Treweek, A. P., ed.   [Sydney]: AULLA, 1970.
Includes three essays that pertain to Chaucer and brief synopses of three additional ones that are not included in the volume: Stephen Knight, "Rhetoric and Poetry in 'The Franklin's Tale'''; H. E. Hallam, "The Throne of Chaunticleer"; and Brian…

Meech, Sanford B.   [Syracuse, N.Y.]: Syracuse University Press, 1959.
A close reading of the structure, themes, and rich characterizations of TC, examined in comparison with its primary source, Boccaccio's "Filostrato," and with sustained attention to ancillary sources and Chaucer's particular emphases, especially the…

Tajiri, Masaji.   [Tokyo] : Eihosha, 2002.
Examines several aspects of Middle English tail-rhyme romances, contrasting them with couplet romances, comparing them with Japanese "sekkyo," and exploring their relations with the "cult of the Virgin," the Holy Family, and contemporary visual art.…

[Toronto]: Coles, 1967.
Item not seen.

Batt, Catherine.   [Turnhout, Belgium]: Brepols, 1996.
Four essays by various authors focus on editing Hoccleve's works, his variety of styles, and the relation of his works to those of Chaucer and Christine de Pizan. Includes a bibliography, an index, and an introduction that surveys critical…

Ellis, Roger, and Rene Tixier, eds.   [Turnhout, Belgium]: Brepols, 1996.
Twenty-five essays from the Fourth Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages, 26-29 July 1993. The essays address topics of translation in the Middle Ages and translation of medieval authors. For essays that…

Bartlett, Kate, and others.   [U.K.]: British Broadcast Corporation, 2003.
Adaptations of selections from CT in modern settings and circumstances, originally broadcast by BBC1 in six episodes, September 11-October 16, 2003. Written by Peter Bowker (MilT), Tony Grounds (PardT), Olivia Hetreed (MLT), Avie Luthra (ShT), Tony…

Thwaite, Anthony, comp.   [U.S.]:
Dramatized readings of poetry from Beowulf to 1984. Disc one (episode 3; track 7; 24 min.) includes the previously published "Chaucer, 1340-1400" (SAC 22 [2000], no. 12), an introduction to Chaucer and his works with recitation/dramatization of…

Edmonds, John, trans.   [United Kingdom]: John Edmonds, 2006.
Translation of CT into modern English prose.

Sammut, Alfonso.   [Valletta] : University of Malta, 1997.
Enumerative bibliography of Italian influence on English literature, arranged by English authors, Italian authors, and selected topics; 4022 items (about 400 pertaining to Chaucer), some with very brief annotations. Includes an index of scholars'…

Abdou, Angie.   [Victoria, B. C.]: Brindle and Glass, 2011.
Fiction loosely based on framework of CT, with unlikely group of ski enthusiasts brought together during a pilgrimage through backcountry British Columbia.

Mozley, Charles, illus.
Coghill, Nevill, trans.  
[Westerham, Kent]: Westerham Press; [London]: Pennington, 1983-86.
Item not seen. A WorldCat record indicates that the lithographs, commissioned by John Deuss, accompany selections from CT in Coghill's translation. The record includes the following note: "Limited edition of 1,000 numbered copies signed by the…

[Wikimedia Foundation, 2001]. Updated recurrently.
User-generated online encyclopedia that includes a variety of links to information pertaining to Chaucer, his language, works, sources, influences, and social and literary contexts, composed by users both expert and amateur, but subject to…

Flinthart, Dirk, ed.   [Wollongong, N. S. W.]: Agog! Press, 2008.
Item not seen; cited in WorldCat as a collection of science fiction stories. The online descriptions indicate eighteen stories, written by individual authors, set in a futuristic frame narrative involving a delayed nuclear-powered train headed to…

Popp, Margret.   [Würzburg]: [Teilbibliothek Anglistik], 1977-1986.
Items not seen; reported in WorldCat, which indicates three interrelated items: 1) a cassette recording of GP and MilT (with projected images?), 2) written corrections and commentary (in German) on this recording, and 3) an introduction (in German)…

Candeloro, Antonio.   1616: Anuario de la Sociedad Espanola de Literatura General y Comparada 5 (2015): 163-87.
Analyzes Chaucer and Shakespeare in Javier Marıas's novel, "Ası empieza lo malo." Chaucer's concepts of "fame" and "rumor," as described in HF, are central to Marias's depiction of contemporary men and their incapacity to face rumor and establish the…

Classen, Albrecht.   369 pp.
Surveys depictions of sexual activities and attitudes toward them in the literature of medieval Europe. Includes a brief life of Chaucer and recurrent comments on his works (see the Index), with a summary description of sexuality and scatology in…

Shimogasa, Tokuji.   A Collection of Essays in Honour of Professor Hiroshige Yoshida. (Shinozaki Shorin Press, 1980), pp. 30-43.
Chaucer's "-less" words deserve our special consideration. Some ninety percent of all the "less" words occur in verse. Though the total frequency is not so high, they may be said to fulfill an important function seen from a syntactical, stylistical,…

Jenkins, Simon.   A Short History of London: The Creation of a World Capital ([London]: Viking, 2019), pp. 33-42.
Chapter 4 of a social history of London, with emphasis on the plague, the status of the Church, the vivid characterizations of CT as a "window on the world . . . in all its richness," and Richard Whittington's mayoralty. Also published in The City on…

Lewis, F. D.   A. A. Seyed-Gohrab, ed. Metaphor and Imagery in Persian Poetry (Boston, Mass.: Brill, 2012), pp. 137-203.
Describes and discusses two analogues to the pear tree episode in MerT (and in Boccaccio's "Decameron"), one in Persian by Rumi in his "Mathnavī," and one in Arabic by Ibn al-Jawzi in his "Kitāb al-adhkiyā'." Also describes and discusses two…

Cawley, A. C.   A. C. Cawley, ed. Chaucer's Mind and Art (New York: Barnes & Noble; Edinburgh and London: Oliver & Boyd, 1969), pp. 125-39.
Reads the garden in PF as a "picture of the world in a fallen state," in contrast with Scipio's "celestial paradise." The contrast is highlighted by different "time-schemes," and the work leaves unresolved the paradoxes of love's varieties.

Loomis, Dorothy Bethurum.   A. C. Cawley, ed. Chaucer's Mind and Art (New York: Barnes & Noble; Edinburgh and London: Oliver & Boyd, 1969), pp. 166.90.
Discusses similarities and differences between Chaucer and Shakespeare, concentrating on biography, theme, and literary techniques as well as borrowings. Comments on Shakespeare's adaptations of TC and KnT, and explores the writers' audiences, their…
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