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Utz, Richard J.   Hugo Keiper, Richard J. Utz, and Cristoph Bode, eds. Nominalism and Literary Discourse: New Perspectives (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 1997), pp. 123-44.
Surveys the critical history of "Lollius"--Chaucer's putative source for TC--and argues that the invention poses a poetic analogy to the absolute power of the nominalist God. By creating Lollius, Chaucer makes his general audience believe in the…

Blake, N. F.   Notes and Queries 224 (1979): 110-11.
Twice the carpenter in MilT uses "astromye": is it a malapropism, an acceptable variant, or a scribal error? Since according to Manly-Rickert all mss of CT record "astromye," the last of these is not tenable. And since the word thus misused does…

Ross, Thomas W.   Notes and Queries 226 (1981): 202.
"Astromye" is neither a scribal error nor an acceptable variant for "astronomye" but a malapropism that probably appeared originally as "arstromye," containing a pun in the first syllable.

Klassen, Norm   Stanley E. Porter, Michael A. Hayes, and David Tombs, eds. Resurrection (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999), pp. 264-74.
In BD, CT (especially the opening of GP and ParsT), and LGWP, flower imagery evokes the "muted presence" of the "motif of resurrection," which Chaucer presents in a characteristic "collocation of Christian theology and authorial self-reflexivity."

Epstein, Robert William.   Dissertation Abstracts International 57 (1996): 1631A.
Before Richard II's deposition, Chaucer affected an apolitical stance, while Gower became pro-Lancastrain. Poetic self-representation later gave way to politicized views in the works of Hoccleve, Scogan, and Lydgate. The dissertation also treats…

Erzgräber, Willi.   Piero Boitani and Anna Torti, eds. Intellectuals and Writers in Fourteenth-Century Europe (Tubingen: Narr; Cambridge: Brewer, 1986), pp. 67-87.
Traces the theme of authority versus experience through BD, HF, TC, LGW, WBP, ParsT, and Ret.

Fyler, John M.   Res Publica Litterarum 7 (1984): 73-92.
In TC, especially bks. 2 and 4, Chaucer selected and reconstituted details from Dante and the classics for ironic purposes, treating sources as "history." Appendix: Petrarch's annotations to "Aeneid."

Justman, Stewart.   Modern Language Quarterly 39 (1978): 3-14.
The workings of "auctoritee" in KnT are at odds with established--especially Boethian--norms. All authority in KnT is overthrown. Habitually in Chaucer's works, authority is subjected to uncongenial contexts and the presumption of irony. As a…

Michalczyk, Maria.   Dissertation Abstracts International 51 (1990): 846A.
Wyclif believed in the absolute authority of Scripture, with the mission of the Church as simple transmission without modification. In SumT, CYT, NPT, and ParsT, Chaucer questions the possibility of rehearsing truth inasmuch as the speakers distort…

Singer, Margaret.   Geraldine Barnes, John Gunn, Sonya Jensen, and Lee Jobling, eds. Words and Wordsmiths: A Volume for H. L. Rogers (Sydney: University of Sydney, 1989): pp. 113-18.
FranT is comedic in structure from first to last since all the events are equally lucky for all the characters by the end of the tale. Noble gestures are made, even by the magician,but neither harm nor disadvantage results for any of those who make…

Koff, Leonard Michael.   Roger Ellis and Rene Tixier, eds. The Medieval Translator/Traduire au Moyen Age, 5. ([Turnhout, Belgium]: Brepols, 1996), pp. 390-418.
Briefly sketches a medieval philosophy of animal language in relation to medieval notions of translation as a communal ideal. In ClT, Chaucer presents translation as a form of revelation; in SumT, it is transgressive; in KnT, a kind of disguise. In…

Twu, Krista Sue-Lo.   Dissertation Abstracts International 60: 2915A., 1999.
Based on two Latin penitential manuals, ParT is shaped to conclude CT with both additions and deletions. Less strictly hierarchical than its major sources, the Tale emphasizes the individual's relationship to God and human society.

Martin, Ellen Elizabeth.   Dissertation Abstracts International 44 (1984): 3073A.
BD can be read not as a discontinuous apprentice work but as "a myth of the invention of poetry," with its stories and images yet to be molded into psychological and thematic cohesion. Imagination precedes signification.

Lynch, Andrew.   Hilary Fraser and R. S. White, eds. Constructing Gender: Feminism in Literary Studies (Nedlands, West Australia: University of Western Australia Press, 1994), pp. 19-38.
When linked to issues of genre, the manner of constructing a female audience in FranT, LGW and Henryson's "Testament" may destabilize narrative closures and thereby offer moral intruction to women.

Breeze, Andrew.   Notes and Queries 237 (1992): 441-45.
"Bear the bell" (TC 3.198) is best explained through a Welsh phrase in Dafydd ap Gwilym referring to falconry. Falcons wore bells, and the phrase meant "to be pre-eminent."

Bowers, John M.   Tison Pugh and Marcia Smith Marzec, eds. Men and Masculinities in Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde" (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2008), pp. 9-27.
Chaucer's "portrayal of Troilus as a soliloquizing, swooning lover . . . reads like a fulsome apologia" for Richard II. TC reflects Richard's relationship with Robert De Vere and reveals his "sexless marriage" with Anne. SNT and LGW defend sexless…

Meecham-Jones, Simon.   Neil Thomas and Francoise Le Saux, eds. Unity and Difference in European Cultures. Durham Modern Language Series (Durham: University of Durham, 1998), pp. 155-71.
HF is a response to the "creative anxiety inherent in seeking to continue a literary inheritance believed to have already reached its highest peaks of achievement." In his presentation of a desert landscape, Chaucer partially resists Continental…

Diller, Hans-Jurgen.   Raimund Borgmeier and Peter Wenzel, eds. Spannung: Studien zur Englischsprachigen Literatur: Fur Ulrich Suerbaum zum 75. Geburtstag (Trier : WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2001), pp. 36-47.
Explores crossing patterns of suspense in TC: the "maximal audience suspense and minimal participants' suspense" of the early books are reversed in Books 4 and 5. Attitudes toward predestination complicate the patterns.

Maule, Jeremy.   H. S. Cobb, ed. Parliamentary History, Libraries and Records: Essays Presented to Maurice Bond ([London]: House of Lords Record Office, 1981), pp. 9-16.
Describes various kinds of "parliament-poems" in Middle English, focusing on PF as a model for others, and commenting on the depiction of the parliament scene in TC, Book 4, and its concern with "voting by voices" or assent. Summarizes Chaucer's…

Nelson, Marie.   Papers on Language and Literature 38: 167-99, 2002.
Nelson assesses medieval conceptions of marital "debt" (reflected in ParsT) in light of modern Speech Act Theory (Austin and Searle). The Wife of Bath's focus on the husband's contribution and the Merchant's focus on the wife's contribution reveal…

Saito, Isamu.   Studies in Medieval Language and Literature (Tokyo) 3 (1988): 1-24.
Looking at sources, Saito explores Chaucer's delicate use of "bisynesse," arguing that the Second Nun faithfully translates and tells the legend of Saint Cecilia according to her own "business."

Martin, Carl Grey.   Chaucer Review 37: 219-33, 2003.
The romance "The Siege of Thebes" being read by Criseyde at the beginning of the poem prepares us for her preoccupation with "siege" throughout the work. Pandarus persuades her to conceptualize Troilus as an antidote for the siege's danger, while…

Reale, Nancy M.   Philological Quarterly 71 (1992): 155-71.
Compares the consummation scenes in Boccaccio's "Filostrato" and Chaucer's TC, focusing on Pandarus's role, and demonstrates how Boccaccio served as Chaucer's intermediary in a critical dialogue with Dantean assertions about language, love, and…

Peters, F. J. J.   American Notes and Queries 8 (1970): 135.
Suggests that "oon" in BD 47 follows a parallel reference in Jean Froissart's "L'Espinette Amoureuse."

Irvine, Martin.   Charlotte Cook Morse, Penelope Reed Doob, and Marjorie Curry Woods, eds. The Uses of Manuscripts in Literary Studies: Essays in Memory of Judson Boyce Allen (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1992), pp. 81-119.
Various practices of writing and formatting texts clarify how authors imagined writing and how readers received vernacular texts. Using models from cultural studies, editorial theory, semiotics, and traditions of medieval commentary, Irvine argues…
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