Compares the contents of Cambridge University Library MS Additional 4122 with similar contemporary compilations, encouraging further study of such devotional collections. The presence of Chaucer's SNT in such anthologies may indicate his shaping…
Ağıl, Nazmi.
Yeni Türk Edebiyatı Araştırmaları 10 (2013): 149–58.
Argues that MilT and WBPT influenced the plot, characters, and themes of Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar's twentieth-century novel "A Marriage under the Comet." In Turkish with an abstract in English.
Murphy, Russell E.
Yeats Eliot Review 28.1–2 (2011): 3-29.
Reconsiders CT as the source of the opening line of T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land," exploring intertextual relations with the opening of Dante's "Divine Comedy" as well. Also clarifies the importance of Chaucer's role in the English tradition of…
The Clerk and T. S. Eliot's title character in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" share intellectual interests. In addition, both are "caught" between the external and the internal, both are reluctant to speak, and both speak allusively.
Traces the development of Yeats's concern with "writing for a listening audience," and identifies his reading of Chaucer in 1905 as crucial to this process. As several of his letters and lectures attest, Yeats for a time regarded Chaucer as the…
W.B. Yeats's early interest in Chaucer as a populist poet gave way to a "more occasional interest in the aristocratic and esoteric elements of Chaucer's works." For only a brief time, after receiving a copy of the Kelmscott Chaucer in 1907, Yeats…
Flannery, Mary C.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 33 (2019): 231-38.
Argues that "emphasis on sound and voice" rather than visual detail characterizes "Langlandian" personifications, opening with commentary on these qualities as they are found in verse interpolations in the "unique version" of CkT "preserved in…
Cooper, Helen.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 32 (2018): 375-89.
Comments on the studies included in a cluster of essays entitled "Chaucer’s Langland" (YLS 32 (2018) and, acknowledging the difficulties of establishing direct influence between Langland and Chaucer, describes a variety of dissimilarities between…
Warner, Lawrence.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 32 (2018): 353-74.
Reviews critical studies that offer, accept, or defend arguments that Chaucer knew and was influenced by William Langland's "Piers Plowman," challenging them on the grounds of weak logic, uncertain assumptions, lack of evidence, and/or the…
Cannon, Christopher.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 32 (2018): 315-31.
Argues that Mel and Langland's "Piers Plowman" share common features that derive from medieval school texts: axioms and proverbs, recurrent attention to the "Distiches of Cato," and citational and translational practices grounded in school exercises.…
Strakhov, Elizaveta.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 32 (2018): 289-313.
Identifies food-chain predation and ecosystemic competition as formal elements of animal fables; then examines these dynamics in NPT, the Rat Parliament of Langland's "Piers Plowman," and their respective allusions to the Uprising of 1381 and to the…
Grady, Frank.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 32 (2018): 271-87.
Identifies various ways Boethius's "Consolation of Philosophy" influenced Langland's "Piers Plowman" formally and thematically, and suggests in conclusion that, unlike other late medieval English writers, Langland and Chaucer "are interested in…
Batkie, Stephanie L.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 32 (2018): 245-70.
Assesses speech and silence in the characterizations and functions of the narrators of GP and the Prologue to "Piers Plowman." Both narrator-figures are introduced "through tropological silencing," but the "muted contact" of the GP narrator with the…
Batkie, Stephanie L., and Eric Weiskott.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 32 (2018): 237-44.
Tallies several differences and similarities between Chaucer's and Langland's works and worlds, comments on the relative prominence of Chaucer studies, and introduces the seven essays in a special section of YLS entitled "Chaucer’s Langland." For…
Phillips, Noelle.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 28 (2014): 65-104.
Explores the "compositional choices" made in the compilation of the texts included in San Marino, Huntington Library, MS HM 114, and maintains that TC (among others) was copied early and incorporated into this larger collection in response to a…
Bennett, Alastair.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 28 (2014): 29-64.
Shows that the "blered" eye image in CYT (7.730) and "Piers Plowman" indicates covetousness, associated with "unkynde" or unnatural separation from community and knowledge.
Horobin, Simon.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 23 (2009): 61-83.
Palaeographical differences between the hands of the Hengwrt and Ellesmere manuscripts of CT and of Additional 35287 are more compelling than are the similarities. Horobin suggests that Pinkhurst "was not Chaucer's personal copyist" and focuses on…
Kirk, Elizabeth D.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 2 (1988): 1-21.
Against the sociopolitical background of the fourteenth century, Kirk examines the Plowman as worker and religious symbol in "Piers Plowman" and Chaucer's GP.
Baker, Joan,and Susan Signe Morrison.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 12 (1998): 31-63.
MerT is a direct response to passus 9 of the B version of Piers Plowman, presenting an "unkyndely similitude" of marriage in contrast to the ideal expressed in Langland's poem.
Cooper, Helen.
Yearbook of Langland Studies 1 (1987): 71-81.
GP was inspired by the A text of Piers Plowman, echoing its concern with estates satire, its concern with social and moral cohesion, and many of its details.
Morgan, Gerald.
Yearbook of English Studies 9 (1979): 221-35.
The ironic treatment of the lovers in Book III may be clarified by examining representations of "charitas" and "cupiditas." Chaucer juxtaposes them throughout the poem and with special effect in the proem and aubades of Book III. His use and…