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Zucker, David H.   Thoth 08 (1967): 3-22.
Zucker analyzes Chaucer as rhetorician, poet, and Christian poet influenced by Boethius, Macrobius, and Dante, arguing that Chaucer writes HF as a game inventing a "refuge" world,as a serious commentary on love, and as an an autobiography of the…

Zonneveld, Wim.   Utrecht: Vakgroep Nederlands, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1992.
Assesses the prosody of Willem van Afflighem's "Het Leven van Sinte Lutgart" as iambic pentameter, gauging its place in the development of the meter. Includes a section (pp. 13-19) on Chaucer's iambic pentameter. In Dutch.

Zonneveld, Wim.   Paula Fikkert and Haike Jacobs, eds. Development in Prosodic Systems. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2003, pp. 197-247.
Zonneveld examines factors associated with iambic stress in the octosyllabic Dutch poem "Het Leven van St. Lutgart" [Life of St. Lutgart], comparing them with conditions in early English. Considers the "uncertain status of schwa syllables" in…

Zong-qui, Cai.   Comitatus 19 (1988): 80-98.
Explores the relationship between fragments I and II and the "Marriage Group," reading the tales in I and II and III through V as "an ongoing discourse between Chaucer and the ultimate narrator and reader." Argues that Kittredge's concept of the…

Zitter, Emmy Stark.   Chaucer Review 25 (1991): 277-84.
Chaucer criticizes not anti-Semitism but rather the Prioress herself. The Prioress does not believe in New Testament attitudes on accepting Jews. Despite being a nun, she is unyielding in her belief that Jews are evil.

Zissos, Andrew.   International Journal of the Classical Tradition 13.2 (2006): 165-85.
Zissos surveys the reception of Valerius Flaccus's "Argonautica," briefly discussing Chaucer's references to the author and the work in LGW, identified by E. F. Shannon in 1929. Chaucer was the first to refer to the poem after the postclassical…

Ziolkowski, Theodore.   New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Surveys the figure of the alchemist and the uses of alchemical imagery in western literature, focusing on how satire and trivialization of the subject gave way to more esoteric uses, especially as the practice of alchemy gave way to chemistry.…

Ziolkowski, Jan.   Journal of Medieval Latin 12 (2002): 90-113
Traces the tradition of characterizing stories as "old wives' tales" from Plato through Apuleius and Jerome to Chaucer's WBT, showing how the genre draws power from the paradox that "old women were the least powerful members of society and yet the…

Ziolkowski, Jan.   Journal of English and Germanic Philology 87 (1988): 179-92.
Notes several oaths by saints' names in Chaucer.

Zink, J.   Albion, Mich.: Validated Instruction Associates, 1973.
Item not seen; the WorldCat record indicates that this accompanies Zink's "Pronouncing Chaucer's English: The Basic Program."

Zink, J.   Albion, Mich.: Validated Instruction Associates, 1973.
Item not seen; the WorldCat record indicates that this accompanies Zink's "Pronouncing Chaucer's Language: The Basic Program."

Zimmerman, Harold C.   Neophilologus 98.01 (2014): 129-44
Discusses how Chaucer, while aware of Boccaccio's text, continually downplays Priam's political side in order to emphasize "his interpersonal or familial bond," thus seeking "to interpret events and characters in terms of their most immediate…

Zimmerman, Erin Royden.   Dissertation Abstracts International A74.11 (2014): n.p.
Includes comments on Cassandra, Persephone, and Philomela as victims of "acquaintance rape" in Chaucer's works (TC, MerT, and LGW), treating his and other versions (classical, medieval, and modern) as adaptations of myths that create "metanarratives…

Zimbardo, Rose A.   Tennessee Studies in Literature 11 (1966): 11-18.
Reads WBPT as concerned with the "reconciliation of opposites that to human perception seem irreconcilable." WBP poses a range of oppositions dialectically (experience and authority, female and male, physical and metaphysical), resolving them through…

Zimbardo, Rose A.   Chaucer Review 11 (1977): 283-98.
The epilogue to TC emphasizes the poem's double perspective of man as an active character in life's drama and of man deliberately separating himself from reality to perceive it objectively. This problem reflects the dilemma of the artist, who is at…

Zimbardo, Rose A.   Chaucer Review 18 (1984): 329-46.
BD is a rendering of the archetypal Fool (the poet) and the King (the Black Knight), wherein consolation for death is provided by the Fool, a pattern also in "Solomon and Marcolf."

Zilleruelo, Erica L.   Kathleen A. Bishop, ed. "The Canterbury Tales" Revisited--21st Century Interpretations (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2008), pp. 27-43.
Considers several features of MilT, including diction, arguing that MilT is a "Chaucerian fabliau."

Zilleruelo, Art.   Kathleen A. Bishop, ed. "The Canterbury Tales" Revisited--21st Century Interpretations (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2008), pp. 194-208.
Reads KnT as "historical narrative constructed upon a foundation of misleading anachronism . . . to lend strength to the potentially objectionable sociopolitical agenda of its narrator."

Zijlstra-Zweens, H. M.   Amsterdam : Rodopi, 1988.
Treats medieval clothing and armament. Despite the citation, the book does not deal with Chaucer specifically.

Zietlow, Paul N.   Chaucer Review 1.1 (1966): 4-19.
Argues that the Summoner "triumphs over" the Friar in their tale-telling competition, revealing his greater intelligence and competence, but also indicating that his social success discloses a more fundamental "malignancy and egotism." Compares the…

Zieman, Katherine.   Frank Grady and Andrew Galloway, eds. Answerable Style: The Idea of the Literary in Medieval England (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2013), pp. 75-94.
Addresses "excesses of Chaucerian literary language" to reveal Chaucer's narrative voice within a literary and historical construct. Discusses the "complex range of intention and desire" in MLT. Also refers to HF.

Zieman, Katherine.   Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2008.
Explores how liturgical training and practice, particularly the interrelated devotional activities of singing and reading, affected literacy in late medieval England. Lay devotional ritual became separated from clerical practice, and definitions of…

Zieman, Katherine.   Sarah Rees Jones, ed. Learning and Literacy in Medieval England and Abroad. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, no. 3 (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2003), pp. 97-120.
Zieman examines the "liturgical literacy" of medieval nuns, exploring the extent to which they may have understood Latin texts that they performed. PrT presents "singing explicitly characterized as illiterate" as "the purest form of piety"; SNT…

Zieman, Katherine.   Representations 60 (1997): 70-91.
Explores Chaucer's "literary voice" as a self-conscious reflection of late-fourteenth-century vernacularizing.

Zieman, Katherine Grace.   Dissertation Abstracts International 59 (1998): 818A.
Late-medieval liturgical activities--especially benefactions and the education that lay behind them--resulted from a variety of conditions and motives and produced a volatile environment that influenced the rise of vernacular literacy.
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