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Bloom, Harold, ed. [Cornelius, Michael G., vol. ed.]   New York: Infobase, 2008.
An anthology of eighty-three responses to Chaucer and his works excerpted from commentaries written from the fourteenth through the twentieth centuries: fourteenth (2), fifteenth (9), sixteenth (20), seventeenth (4), eighteenth (10), nineteenth (35),…

Scanlon, Larry.   The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Literature 1100-1500 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp. 165-78.
Scanlon introduces Chaucer as the "most monumental of English poets," summarizes Chaucer's biography, surveys his works and their reception, and comments on the difficulties of dealing with his legacy: especially in CT, Chaucer is "eager to disavow"…

Whitehead, Christiania.   Rebecca Lemon, and others, eds. The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature. (Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), pp. 134-51.
Whitehead surveys Chaucer's engagement with the Bible and biblical texts in CT and suggests a parallel between the poem's dialogic structure and the fourteenth-century debate over Wycliffite ideology. While parts of CT may corroborate certain…

Brewer, Derek, ed.   London: G. Bell, 1974.
Twelve essays on a range of topics that consider Chaucer in light of his contemporary culture and literary tradition. For individual essays, search for Geoffrey Chaucer. Writers and their Background under Alternative Title.

Coghill, Nevill.   London and New York: Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green, 1956.
Influential biographical discussion of Chaucer as the "first poet" of England "in the high culture of Europe," and the "most courteous to those who read or listen to him." Considers Chaucer's individual works in light of his life, medieval literary…

Galloway, Andrew.   Oxford Bibliographies Online.
Updateable, annotated bibliography of Chaucer studies, launched in 2010, available by subscription only. Arranges individual studies alphabetically under 23 categories (plus subsections), providing hypertext links to the original material when…

Riehle, Wolfgang.   Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowoht, 1994.
An introductory biography of Chaucer and chronological commentary on all of his major works in light of social and personal history. Includes a time line, brief selections from critical traditions, a bibliography, an index, and illustrations largely…

Windeatt, Barry   Roger Ellis, ed. The Oxford History of Literary Translation in English. Volume I: To 1550 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 137-48.
Surveys Chaucer's career as a translator and the varieties of his "translational practice," focusing on his literal translations and how his "guise of the slavishly faithful translator" sometimes enables his "transformative adaptation." Considers…

Norton-Smith, John.   London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul,1974.
Studies Chaucer's poetic achievement in major and minor works with recurrent attention to relative chronology, the development of Chaucer's art, sources and analogues, and treatment of genres. Focuses on BD; Ven, Pity, and Mars as complaints; HF; LGW…

Alexander, Michael.   London: Scala, 2012.
A brief guide to Chaucer's life, times, and works, with illustrations.

Brown, Peter.   Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Comprehensive look at Chaucer's life and analysis of how cultural, literary, and historical events affected Chaucer's poetry.

Rooney, Anne.   Bristol, England : Bristol Press, 1989.
A research guide that review major lines of Chaucer criticism, which is becoming increasingly diverse.

Ikegami, Tadahiro, trans.   Poetry and Prose 67: 91-93, 2000.
Translates lines 1-117 of GP into Japanese, based on The Riverside Chaucer (1987).

León Sendra, Antonio R., and Jesús Serrano Reyes, trans.   Córdoba : Universidad de Córdoba, 1999.
Spanish translation of HF, with facing-page Middle English. Includes a brief introduction (pp. 1-8) and extensive notes (pp. 195-346), with lists of bibliographical references and proper names.

Wetherbee, Winthrop.   New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Re-issue of the 1989 edition, with a revised guide to further reading. See original enrty.

George, Jodi-Anne, ed.   New York : Columbia University Press, 2000.
Summary-survey of critical responses to GP. Six chapters focus on particular time periods and the critical emphases that dominated them: (1) 1368-1880, Chaucer's "greatness" and the early editorial tradition; (2) 1892-1949, later editors and…

Cox, Kenneth.   Kenneth Cox. Collected Studies in the Use of English. (London: Agenda, 2001), pp. 43-62.
Cox examines verse, style, and several cruces (textual and narrative) in PrT to clarify Chaucer's ironic technique and to argue that the "prioress's hold on reality is [. . .] weak and her language correspondingly lax, with a concern for decorum far…

Sáez-Hidalgo, Ana, trans.   Madrid : Gredos, 2001.
Spanish prose translation of TC, with a biographical and critical introduction that emphasizes Chaucer's adaptation of source material.

Hühn, Peter.   Peter Hühn, and others, ed. Eventfulness in British Fiction. Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory, no. 18 (New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), pp. 17-30.
Examines the tripartite plot structure of MilT and its "two oppositional" contexts, i.e., the ethical demands of its religious allusions and the subversiveness of its fabliau genre. The combination produces a "complex event structure full of…

Murnighan, Jack.   Jack Murnighan. "Beowulf" on the Beach: What to Love and What to Skip in Literature's 50 Greatest Hits (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2009), pp. 86-97.
Encourages approaching Chaucer as "both funny and a little racy," giving advice on how to read with understanding, opinions on what is "sexy" in CT, and suggestions of what to skip in the work (CkPT, MLT, SqT, FranT, PhyT, PrT, Th, Mel, MkT, NPT,…

Helterman, Jeffrey.   Jeffrey Helterman and Jerome Mitchell, eds. Old and Middle English Literature. Dictionary of Literary Biography, no. 146 (Detroit: Gale Research, 1994), pp. 127-44.
Summary description of Chaucer's life and each of his major works, with a bibliography and a chronology of the works accompanied by manuscript and publication information. Treats CT most extensively, focusing on the "quiting principle" of the tales'…

Thompson, N. S.   Jay Parini, ed. British Writers. Retrospective Supplement II (New York: Scribner, 2002), pp. 33-50.
Surveys Chaucer's reception, life, and works, with recurrent attention to Chaucer's nascent realism.

Grosskopf, John Dennis.   Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert Thomas Lambdin, eds. Arthurian Writers: A Biographical Encyclopedia (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2008), pp. 120-27.
Grosskopf summarizes Chaucer's life and assesses allusions to King Arthur and Arthurian motifs and characters in CT, commenting on SqT, Th, NPT, WBT, and the lack of Arthurian material in KnT. Surveys related critical commentary and suggests that…

Jokinen, Anniina.   Luminarium, 1996-2012.
A series of interlinked webpages that pertain to the study of Chaucer, including works, biography, selected quotations, audio clips, images, and a variety of essays and studies, including web-published student essays, external links, and more. Much…

Lenhart, Gary.   Ron Padgett, ed. World Poets. Vol. 1. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2000), pp. 227-36.
Addressed to high school students. Surveys Chaucer's life and works, with emphasis on CT, emphasizing Chaucer's counterpoint between romance and realism.
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