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Rushton, Cory James.   Raluca L. Radulescu and Cory James Rushton, eds. A Companion to Medieval Popular Romance (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2009), pp. 165-79.
Rushton suggests that Th and "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" may be accountable for the lack of sustained academic focus on medieval popular romance. Modern popular fiction, games, and films have, on the other hand, embraced many features of the…

Bell, Kimberly K.   Eileen A. Joy, Myra J. Seaman, Kimberly K. Bell, and Mary K. Ramsey, eds. Cultural Studies of the Modern Middle Ages (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), pp. 23-47.
Bell argues that "The Joe Schmo Show" and Th "use metafictional parody to 'refunction' generic forms and critique stereotypes of masculinity."

Akbari, Suzanne Conklin.   Middle Eastern Literatures 20.1 (2017): 2-17.
Explores three "models" for considering medieval studies in the context of world literatures--"Mediterraneans," "distant reading," and "moving things"--using the last to compare MLT and the Ethiopian "Kebra nagast" and assess "Mandeville'sTravels"…

Strickland, Deborah Eileen.   DAI A73.10 (2013): n.p.
Examines figures of women writers in the work of male authors from Chaucer to Marlowe, with the goal of recovering the woman writer's significance, even in the absence of female-authored direct texts. Includes discussion of TC and Philomela and Dido…

Nakao, Yoshiyuki.   Yoko Iyeiri and Margaret Connolly, eds. And Gladly Wolde He Lerne and Gladly Teche: Essays on Medieval English Presented to Professor Matsuji Tajima on His Sixtieth Birthday (Tokyo: Kaibunsha, 2002), pp. 73-94.
Nakao tabulates the frequency of epistemic "trewely" in Chaucer's major works and compares its semantic frequency in Chaucer with that in several contemporary poetic texts. Investigates the significance of the modal adverb "trewely" in TC,…

Wright, Sarah Breckenridge.   Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2020.
Explores "expressions of mobility" in the frame narrative and tales of CT to show how physical and metaphorical mobilities are shaped by "geographical, ecological, sociopolitical, and gendered identities."

Valenzuela, Shannon K.   DAI A69.06 (2008): n.p.
Traces Chaucer's interest in three concerns that are related to the development of English as a vernacular language: "the nature of translation, the construction of textual memory, and the relationship between reading and ethics." Assesses literal…

Linde, Ebbe, trans.   Goteberg: Rundqvist, 1967.
Item not seen. The WorldCat records indicate this is a translation of MilT into Swedish, with illustrations by Baengt Dimming.

Feinstein, Sandy, and Bryan Shawn Wang.   New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy & Profession 2.2 (2021): 95-112.
Discusses in dialogue format a hybrid "general education honors course focusing on the description, understanding, and classification of animals over time," including comments on the use of PF in this course and syllabi for it from 2019 and 2021.

Gretsch, Mechthild.   Anglia: Zeitschrift fur Englische Philologie 108 (1990): 113-32.
Using concordances, the MED, and textual variants from the manuscripts, Gretsch clarifies ten passages in Th.

Erzgräber, Willi.   Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach, 1997.
Twenty-two essays by Erzgräber, most of them previously published. Eight of the essays pertain to Chaucer, one published here for the first time: "Predestination in Langland and Chaucer" (pp. 179-201). In it, Erzgräber surveys St. Augustine's…

Ramdass, Harold Nigel.   DAI A68.05 (2007): n.p.
Fragment 1 of CT (KnT, MilT, and RvT) "posit[s] contra-factual histories" for Chaucer's source texts while employing imagery of "sodomy, rape and monstrous hybrids" as refutations of those histories' threats to the structure of a salvation comedy.

Weir, Alison.   New York: Ballantine Books, 2009.
Biography of Katherine Swynford, emphasizing the love she shared with John of Gaunt. Includes color illustrations, notes, index, bibliography, and several appendices (including a genealogical table of the Chaucer family). Numerous brief references…

Leland, Virginia (E.)   Chaucer Newsletter 9:2 (1987): 1, 7-8.
Reminiscences of working in the "University of Chicago Chaucer Laboratory, where Manly and Rickert were producing the 'Text'."

Myklebust, Nicholas.   Open access Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin, 2012. Available at; accessed December 16, 2021.
Challenges "the standard view that fifteenth-century poets wrote irregular meters in artless imitation of Chaucer," arguing instead that "Chaucer’s followers deliberately misread his meter in order to challenge his authority" and rather than…

Fowler, Elizabeth.   Spenser Studies 10 (1992): 245-73.
Skelton's "Tunnyng of Elynour Rummynge" mixes "Chaucerian and Langlandian forms," capitalizing on their presentations of female sexuality and economic value. Skelton's Elynour is neither a personification (like Lady Mede) nor realistic (like the…

Marlborough: Adam Matthew, 2019.
E-book facsimile of London, British Library, MS Sloane 1723, which includes CYT, 1428–81.

Hanna, Ralph,III.   Stephen G. Nichols and Siegfried Wenzel, eds. The Whole Book:Cultural Perspectives on the Medieval Miscellany (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996), pp. 37-51.
Using Winchester College MS 33 as a touchstone for examining the difficulties of apprehending medieval texts, Hanna attributes the miscellaneous nature of collections of vernacular works in manuscripts to the difficulties of textual supply rather…

Smith, Francis J.   Ball State University Forum 14.1 (1973): 15-22.
Reads PF as a "poem of love and marriage, touching upon the question of pleasure versus the duty of procreation, realistically set in the framework of a dream, and seasoned with wit." Emphasizes the poem's balanced sensibility and "refreshing…

Allen, Mark.   Peter G. Beidler, ed. Masculinities in Chaucer: Approaches to Maleness in the Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde (Cambridge; and Rochester, N.Y.: D.S. Brewer, 1998), pp. 9-21.
In the transformation from Deduit in the "Roman de la Rose" to the Host of CT, and in the actions of the Host during the pilgrimage, we can see intersections of gender and class as Chaucer constructs the Host's distinctively "bourgeois masculinity."

Cox, Catherine Stallworth.   Dissertation Abstracts International 52 (1992): 2930A.
Ovid's Narcissus becomes polysemous, generating figures of language among "Pearl" (Dreamer as Narcissus); TC (narrator's drawing on the myth for rhetoric to link pagan and Christian); "Piers Plowman B" (Christian Narcissus and "dreamer-Will"); and…

Wilson, William Burton, trans. Revised by Nancy Wilson Van Baak.   East Lansing, Mich.: Colleagues Press, 1992.
Modern English translation of Gower's French original, with select bibliography and notes on "only the most necessary information."

Frank, Robert Worth,Jr.   Larry D. Benson and Siegfried Wenzel, eds. The Wisdom of Poetry (Kalamazoo, Mich.: Western Michigan University, 1982), pp. 177-88.
Anti-Semitism is a commonplace in miracles of the Virgin, the special enmity between the Virgin and the Jews deriving from the apocryphal "Transitus." Some miracles end in conversion of the Jews; others in their destruction wholesale; PrT in…

Boyarin, Adrienne Williams.   Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2010.
Discusses Marian identification in PrT, in particular Marian miracles, as well as connections to the Virgin Mary in SNT, Th, and WBPT. Emphasizes development of Middle English Marian miracle texts, and Mary's "symbolic connection to Jews." Claims…

Williams Boyarin, Adrienne Suzanne.   DAI A67.08 (2007): n.p.
Discusses PrT and other versions of Marian miracles.
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