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Vila de la Cruz, Maria Purificacion.   Luis A. Lazaro Lafuente, Jose Simon, and Ricardo J. Sola Buil,eds. Medieval Studies: Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (Madrid: Universidadde Alcala de Henares, 1996), pp. 369-84.
The structure of CT reflects aspects of Chaucer's world, in particular the structure of gothic cathedrals.

Costa Palacios, Luis, trans.   Cordoba: Astur, 1982.
A facing-page Middle English/Spanish verse translation of PF, with notes and introduction by the translator.

Serrano Reyes, Jesús L., trans.   Madrid : Ediciones Siruela, 2005.
An anthology of Spanish translations of Chaucer's dream visions. Includes previously published translations of BD and HF, plus new translations of PF and LGW. Notes and introduction by the translator.

Gomez Lara, Manuel J.   Actas del V Congreso de AEDEAN (Oviedo: Alhambra, 1983), pp. 189-201.
Reflecting social contradictions involved in the love relationship in TC, Criseyde's direct speech presents her inner contradictions, transmitted through direct statement and complex "symbology."

Alvarez Amoros, Jose Antonio.   Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 11 (1985): 47-68.
The fluctuation of the narrative point of view in GP results in a paradox: whereas the compositional devices inhibit verisimilitude, received critical opinion recognizes the pilgrims as highly realistic representatives of fourteenth-century life. …

Olivares Merino, Eugenio M.   Juan Paredes, ed. Medioevo y literatura, III: Actas del V Congreso de la Asociacion Hispanica de Literatura Medieval (Granada, 27 septiembre-1 octubre 1993), 4 vols. (Granada, Nicaragua: University of Granada Press, 1995), pp. 491-97.
Comments on Chaucer's description of Pedro I of Spain in MkT, and on similarities between CT and de Ayala's "Rimado."

González Miranda, Emilio.   Armando López Castro and María Luzdivina Cuesta Torre, eds. Actas del XI congreso internacional de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval: Universidad de León, 20 al 24 de septiembre de 2005. 2 vols. (León: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Léon), 2007: vol. 2, pp. 641-49.
Compares the dream of Chauntecleer in NPT with the dreams of the roosters in "Roman de Renart" and "Reinart Fuchs." In Spanish.

Lucotti, Claudia.   Anuario de Letras Modernas 11 (2002-03): 47-52
Summarizes medieval attitudes toward gender relations in marriage and comments on the diverse range of representations of marriage in CT.

Perez Martin, Ma. Jesus.   Filologia Moderna 6 (1966): 323-27.
Observes shifts in tone in NPT 7.2888-2907 (a conversation between Chanticleer and Pertelote), commenting on how these shifts contribute to characterization and drama.

León Sendra, Antonio R., and Jesús L. Serrano Reyes.   Antonio Ruiz Castellanos, Antonia Viñez Sanchez, and Durán Sáez, eds. Retórica y Texto (Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz, 1998), pp. 332-38.
Explicates aspects of rhetoric, person, and theme in lines 1868-1915 of HF.

Pearsall, Derek.   Medieval Feminist Forum 31: 29-36, 2001.
Assessment of Hammond's contributions to Middle English and Tudor studies, including Chaucer. Includes a bibliography of Hammond's publications.

Wack, Mary.   Chaucer Newsletter 14:2 (1992): 6-7.
With the aid of new electronic tools, Chaucer courses are making an evolutionary leap. These media foster interactive learning and provide access to materials from archives around the world.

Bestul, Thomas H.   Chaucer Newsletter 12:1 (1990): 4-5.
Examines precedents and proposes an electronic discussion group for Chaucer scholars.

Edmonds, David, and Lou Burnard.   Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
SGML-encoded version of the texts of "The Riverside Chaucer" (SAC 11 (1989), no. 11), without notes or other apparatus, readable on a personal computer or Macintosh.

McGillivray, Murray.   Ian Lancashire, ed. Computer-Based Chaucer Studies (Toronto: Centre for Computing in the Humanities, University of Toronto, 1993), pp. 1-15.
Explores the possibilities of representing medieval manuscripts within the present limits of technology and the normal scholar's finances, using TEI-SGML (Text Encoding Initiative-Standard Generalized Markup Language) and some graphic representation.…

Denley, Marie.   Helen Phillips, ed. Langland, the Mystics, and the English Religious Tradition: Essays in Honour of S. S. Hussey. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1990, pp. 223-41.
Includes brief discussion of ABC in light of alphabetic poems and other medieval teaching devices.

Green, Richard Firth.   Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.
Presents (in a postscript) how Chaucer's attitudes and "amused skepticism" toward fairies influenced later writers, including Spenser and Shakespeare. Analyzes connections between historiography of early modern witch-hunts and popular superstitions…

Koch, Robert A.   Speculum 34 (1959): 547-60.
Observes that references to Elijah and Elisha in SumT 3.2116-18 evince "Chaucer's awareness, if not endorsement, of the widely held belief that the 'earliest anchorite' Elijah was the founder of the Carmelite Order," and provides various features of…

Trevisan, Sara.   Explicator 62.4 (2004): 221-23.
Trevisan identifies in Eliot's "Prufrock" possible echoes of the Monk's description from GP. "Prufrock" may also have been influenced by Shakespeare's "Hamlet."

Andretta, Helen R[uth].   Jonathan Gates, ed. Proceedings: 1999 Northeast Regional Meeting of the Conference on Christianity and Literature (Surf City, N. J.: American Graphic Services, 2000), pp. 1-13.
Compares T. S. Eliot's worldview in "The Waste Land" with Chaucer's view of the "world as a wilderness" in CT and Truth. Both poets see the need for renewal.

Hodder, Karen.   Studies in Medievalism 7 (1996): 105-30
Explores the influence of medieval models of women on Barrett's poetry, arguing that, among others, Chaucer's works deserve greater attention in this respect. Considers Barrett's modifications of Anel in "Chaucer Modernized" and assesses aspects of…

Buxton, John.
London: Macmillan, 1963.
Describes principles of aesthetic appreciation evident in Elizabethan architecture, painting, sculpture, music, and literature, including a section entitled "The Elizabethan Appreciation of Chaucer" (pp. 223-30) which emphasizes admiration of Chaucer…

Queen, Ellery, ed.   [New York]: New American Library, 1967.
Anthologizes twenty-three short prose narratives by English and American writers, with a brief, appreciative literary biography for each, and an introductory essay on the nature of anthologies. Includes an excerpt from PardT (pp. 3-8) in Percy…

Kemaloǧlu, Azer Banu.   Interactions 13.2 (2004): 31-46.
Surveys details of each of the GP descriptions of the pilgrims and each of the Ellesmere illustrations to show that the Ellesmere illustrator was a "close reader" of Chaucer. Refers to 22 figures; includes a summary in Turkish

Takamiya, Toshiyuki.   Eigo Seinen 150.8 (2004): 490-91.
Comments on scribal variants in CT manuscripts. In Japanese.
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