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Martin, Jennifer L.   Kathleen A. Bishop, ed. "The Canterbury Tales" Revisited--21st Century Interpretations (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2008), pp. 60-74.
Cites instances in which the Wife of Bath crosses over between binary sets (male/female, sex/gender, authority/experience), and suggests that she cannot be seen simply as a feminist. Nor is she simply a victim.

Anderson, Judith (H.)   English Literary Renaissance 24 (1994): 638-59.
Spenser's depictions of the Bower of Bliss and the Temple of Venus ("The Faerie Queene" 2 and 4) are indebted to PF and, to a lesser degree, Th for explicit references and more general personal and cultural allusions.

Burger, Douglas A.   Leigh A. Arrathoon, ed. Chaucer and the Craft of Fiction (Rochester, Mich.: Solaris Press, 1986), pp. 165-78.
Compared with Boccaccio's "Il filocolo," Chaucer's innovations--evident in his treatment of the black rocks, the heroine, magic, and the love of Dorigen and Arveragus--create broader contexts: marital love, courtly love, magic,and the theme of…

Hilary, Christine Ryan.   Dissertation Abstracts International 41 (1980): 242A.
The religious "confessio"-tradition includes three modes: "Confessio peccati," "confessio fidei," and "confessio laudis." "Confessio fidei," which implies a self-testimony, provides the dominant mode for the secular literary "confessio" tradition,…

Birhanzel, Candace.   [Jay Ruud, ed.] Papers on the "Canterbury Tales": From the 1989 NEH Chaucer Institute, Northern State University, Aberdeen, South Dakota ([Aberdeen, S.D.: Northern State University, 1989), pp. 112-25.
Comments on reading ClT as both "realistic and religious, tied to the character of . . . the Clerk."

Condren, Edward I.   Criticism 26 (1984): 99-114.
Presents evidence of a coherently conceived allegory in ClT: God is to Man as Perfection is to Imperfection, a hierarchy based not on rank but on virtue. Thus God is to Man as Griselda is to Walter.

Raby, Michael.   Chaucer Review 47.3 (2013): 223-46.
Aristotelian and Augustinian concepts of moral virtue illuminate Walter's and Griselda's behaviors in terms of habit and its relation to place.

Cherniss, Michael D.   Chaucer Review 6.4 (1972): 235-54.
Argues that the Clerk's Envoy "generates a unifying theme which runs through" MerT--the possibilities of "perfection and imperfection in marriage, expressed as paradise and purgatory"--an echo of the concern with "purgatory" in WBPT. Explores the…

Rosenberg, Bruce A.   Chaucer Review 5.4 (1971): 264-76.
Tallies similarities between the pear tree episode in MerT and the cherry tree account in an apocryphal narrative about the pregnancy of Mary, mother of Jesus. Explores parallels among various analogues, and explains how the parallels capitalize on…

Mortimer, Anthony Robert.   DAI 32.08 (1972): 4624A.
Includes comments on the Song of Troilus (TC 1.400-420) as a translation from Petrarch.

Scoppettone, Stefanie Anne.   Dissertation Abstracts International 57 (1996): 2496A.
Though Chaucer has been scorned for creating humor, the bulk of CT is serious, and seriousness and humor should no longer be perceived as mutually antagonistic. Chaucer's humor develops as a structuring "glue" arising through literary methods that…

Ridley, Florence H.   Clausdirk Pollner, Helmut Rohlfing, and Frank-Rutger Hausmann, eds. Bright Is the Ring of Words: Festschrift fur Horst Weinstck zum 65 Geburtstag (Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, 1996), pp. 251-57.
Briefly surveys the ways Chaucer leaves "gaps" in CT--omissions, repetitions, reversals, etc.--and suggests how ParsT provides a wholeness despite these gaps.

Benson, C. David.   Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, eds. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 93-108.
The characters in CT are neither fully developed nor consistent; tellers and their tales are loosely connected. Thus, Kittredge's "dramatic theory" is limited: it leads readers to focus on personalities of the pilgrims rather than on Chaucer's…

Rudat, Wolfgang E. H.   American Imago 35 (1979): 407-18.
The Canterbury pilgrimage is, among other things, an attempt by some of the pilgrims to sublimate the sex drive.

Dixon, Lori Jill.   Dissertation Abstracts International 57 (1996): 674A.
Sixteen fifteenth-century CT Tales" manuscripts-- anthologized on the basis of theme, subject, or interest--survive. They reveal middle-class taste through their moral and devotional content and indicate the popularity and availability of…

Spearing, A. C.   Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, eds. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 159-77.
FrT, PardT, NPT, and ManT both exemplify and undercut the purposes of moral teaching.

Kendrick, Laura.   Martin Stevens and Daniel Woodward, eds. The Ellesmere Chaucer: Essays in Interpretation (San Marino, Calif.: Huntingon Library; Tokyo: Yushodo, 1995), pp. 281-305.
Surveys French compilations to argue that CT "appears to burlesque the uniformly high-minded French prose compilations ... actively encouraged by the Valois princes in the second half of the fourteenth century."

Emmerson, Richard Kenneth,and Ronald B. Herzman.   Werner Verbeke, Daniel Verhelst, and Andries Welkenhuysen, eds. The Use and Abuse of Eschatology in the Middle Ages. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Ser. 1, no. 15 (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1988), pp. 404-24.
After advocating eschatological explication of medieval poems not explicitly apocalyptic in nature and concluding that Thomas Wimbledon's "Sermon" (1388) exhibits personal and universal eschatological elements, Emmerson and Herzman examine such…

Frank, Robert Worth,Jr.   Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, eds. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 143-58.
Although Chaucer's "tales of pathos"--MLT, ClT, PhyT, PrT, and MkT--do not constitute a genre, they share characteristics: lack of comedy, absence of irony, little complexity, abstract settings, and characters "motivated by a single virtue." Each…

Pearsall, Derek.   Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, eds. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 125-42.
Treats setting, tone, and structure of the six comedies in CT: MilT, RvT, ShT, MerT, FrT, and SumT. Discusses the first four as fabliaux, the last two as "masterpieces of satirical anecdote" that do not deal with sex and marriage.

Burrow, J. A.   Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, eds. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 109-24.
Discusses the five "romances" in CT. WBT, ostensibly an Arthurian romance, is actually a "fairy tale, told by a woman and dominated by women"; Th is an "outright burlesque" of contemporary English roamnces; SqT, unfinished, does not offer the…

Partridge, Stephen.   Norman Blake and Peter Robinson, eds. The 'Canterbury Tales' Project Occasional Papers, Volume I (Oxford: Office for Humanities Communication Publications, 1993), pp. 85-94.
Critiques the inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and inconclusiveness of the Manly-Rickert description (Chicago, 1940) of the glosses in manuscripts of CT. Compares glossarial manuscript groups to the textual groups identified by Manly and Rickert,…

Stevens, Martin.   Review 11 (1989): 37-70.
Review article covering six recent books: B. Boyd's Variorum edition of PrT; R. Jordan's Chaucer's Poetics and the Modern Reader; L. Kendrick's Chaucerian Play; L. Koff's Chaucer and the Art of Storytelling; C. Lindahl's Earnest Games; and L.…

Olson, Paul.   Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1986.
CT reflects the social, political, economic, and intellectual milieu of the late fourteenth century: the tales arise from Chaucer's deep concern about contemporary crises and his conviction that the "parlement"--all levels of society engaged in…

Gittes, Katharine Slater.   PMLA 98 (1983): 237-51.
Arabic literature--characteristically framed, open-ended, "eye-witness," first-person narrative, often including a journey--prefigures Boccaccio's "Decameron," Gower's "Confessio Amantis," and Chaucer's CT. Petrus Alfonsi's twelfth-century…
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