Spatializing Time: The Adventure of Multiple Temporalities in Chaucer’s "Man of Law’s Tale."

Author / Editor
Johnston, Andrew James.

Spatializing Time: The Adventure of Multiple Temporalities in Chaucer’s "Man of Law’s Tale."

Martin Baisch and Jutta Eming, ed. Hybriditat und Spiel: Der Europaische Liebes- und Abenteuerroman von der Antike zur Friihen Neuzeit (Berlin: Akademie, 2013), pp. 163-73.

Focuses on "generic links" between MLPT and "the ancient novel/Greek romance," especially multiple adventures as a plot device and the motif of incestuous desire that is both "rife" in the plot of MLT and a "conspicuous absence." Shows how incest links with "the question of the tale's source" and provokes awareness of "cultural simultaneity," denying "the progressive trajectory of history indispensable to a teleological notion of history" and its periodization. In the tale "incest bespeaks a resistance to dominant patterns of temporality."

Baisch, Martin, ed.
Eming, Jutta, ed.

Alternative Title
Hybriditat und Spiel: Der Europaische Liebes- und Abenteuerroman von der Antike zur Friihen Neuzeit.

Chaucer Subjects
Man of Law and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations