Lyric Tactics: Poetry, Genre, and Practice in Later Medieval England.

Author / Editor
Nelson, Ingrid.

Lyric Tactics: Poetry, Genre, and Practice in Later Medieval England.

Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017.

Physical Description
214 pp.

The Middle Ages Series.

Asserts that Chaucer's inset lyrics in TC and LGW have a "tactical" quality that gives them flexibility and contingency. In TC, Antigone's song, using both English practices and French and Italian sources, demonstrates "a tension between negotiation and [Petrarchan] absolutism" that reflects the narrative's concern with "individual and communal desires." In LGW, especially Prologue F, lyrics are integrated with exemplary narrative, giving lyric an ethical role and "suspending [exempla's] "drive toward closure."

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Legend of Good Women