The Wife of Bath's Ideal Marriage and Late Medieval Ideas about the Domestic Sphere.

Author / Editor
Knoetze, Retha.

The Wife of Bath's Ideal Marriage and Late Medieval Ideas about the Domestic Sphere.

Scrutiny 2: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa 20.2 (2015): 34-53.

Argues that WBPT provides "a serious defence of women," claiming that the Wife's ideas about "about mutuality and domestic partnership" in marriage "coincide with ideas which were developing in Chaucer’s society as a result of social and economic changes." Also shows that similar ideas were "expressed in marriage sermons from the late thirteenth to the sixteenth century." Connects the queen in WBT with Prudence in Mel.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Tale of Melibee
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations