Chaucer's Tender Trap: The Troilus and the "Yonge, Fresshe Folkes."

Author / Editor
Gaylord, Alan T.

Chaucer's Tender Trap: The Troilus and the "Yonge, Fresshe Folkes."

English Miscellany15 (1964): 25-45.

Explores the "shock of contrast" between the rejection of worldly love at the end of TC and the celebration of love found in earlier sections of the poem. The address to "yonge, fresshe folks" (5.1835) is consistent with the protagonists' youthful love, part of Chaucer's sustained, coherent sequence of details and events that invite "his audience to grow up" and realize that "service of the god of Love . . . [is] fundamentally pagan."

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde