Old Books Brought to Life in Dreams: The 'Book of the Duchess,' the 'House of Fame,' the 'Parliament of Fowls'

Author / Editor
Boitani, Piero.

Old Books Brought to Life in Dreams: The 'Book of the Duchess,' the 'House of Fame,' the 'Parliament of Fowls'

Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, eds. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 39-57.

Literature is both source and subject matter for Chaucer. In BD, PF, and HF, he transforms source material ("old books") into "new" Chaucerian texts with their own structures and themes.

Alternative Title
The Cambridge Chaucer Companion.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Book of the Duchess.
Parliament of Fowls.
House of Fame.